Right-Wing Think Tank Pushes States to Ban Guaranteed Income Programs

Right-Wing Think Tank Pushes States to Ban Guaranteed Income Programs

The Arkansas State Capitol in Little Rock. In 2023, Arkansas became the first state to implement a ban on universal basic income programs. Photo: Philip Gould. A right-wing think tank is using its influence with Republican lawmakers to prohibit guaranteed income programs that provide no-strings cash to people with very low incomes, despite the broad popularity of such programs as a poverty reduction strategy. This advocacy is leading to conflicts between more progressive localities seeking to implement these programs and the GOP-dominated state legislatures that oppose them.

Just this year, bills to prohibit counties and cities from operating guaranteed income […]

Potential Cancellation of SRD Grant by SASSA for Universal Basic Income – Overview of Changes

Potential Cancellation of SRD Grant by SASSA for Universal Basic Income – Overview of Changes

H.E Cyril Ramaphosa As South Africa prepares for its 2024 elections, one of the most debated topics in the political sphere is the Universal Basic Income Grant (UBIG). The idea of UBIG—a program that provides all citizens with regular, unconditional payments—has sparked significant interest as a potential solution to poverty and inequality in the country. However, as simple as this concept sounds, it comes with its own set of challenges and complexities.

Contents [ hide ] 1 UBIG

2 Impact Existing Grants 2.1 Social Relief of Distress Grant 2.2 Child Support Grants 2.3 Disability Grants 2.4 […]

Celebrating Social Security while looking toward the future

Celebrating Social Security while looking toward the future

(Getty Images) This past August marked the 89th anniversary of Social Security and it’s a good time to reflect on its profound impact on American society since its creation in 1935. Signed into law during the Great Depression, Social Security emerged as a foundation of hope and stability for millions of Americans facing economic uncertainty. Today, over 65 million Americans receive the money they’ve earned over a lifetime of hard work. Economic security

Social Security was born out of a commitment to provide a measure of income security for citizens who, through no fault of their own, found themselves […]

Maurice Bailey, President of Wealthy Way Financial, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneur Podcast, Discussing Guaranteed Income

Maurice Bailey, President of Wealthy Way Financial, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneur Podcast, Discussing Guaranteed Income

Press release from: Getnews

/ PR Agency: Authority Press Wire Maurice Bailey, President of Wealthy Way Financial, Image: https://authoritypresswire.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/MauriceBailey-resized.jpg

Maurice Bailey discusses guaranteed incomeListen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-maurice-bailey-president-of-wealthy-way-financial-discussing-guaranteed-income/Maurice Bailey, President of Wealthy Way Financial, talks the importance of guaranteed income. Maurice shares his journey into financial services, driven by a desire to help families secure their financial future after witnessing the impact of lacking life insurance. He emphasizes the importance of planning for retirement and helping clients achieve financial security.The discussion on guaranteed income emphasized its crucial role in providing security and peace […]

How does basic income intervention impact productivity in developing countries?

Insight from top 5 papers

Basic income interventions in developing countries have complex impacts on productivity, influenced by various economic and social factors. While basic income can initially boost welfare and alleviate poverty, its long-term effects on productivity and economic growth are mixed. The following sections explore these dynamics in detail. Short-term Benefits of Basic Income

Basic income programs can provide immediate relief from poverty and improve welfare, particularly for the poor in developing countries. This is evident in the short-term effects observed in Brazil, where universal basic income (UBI) increased welfare and reduced poverty[2] [3]. In East Timor, […]


INTRODUCTION TO UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME (UBI) Economic Survey 2016-17 : UBI was proposed as a solution to poverty and income inequality.

Fiscal Challenge : A direct cash transfer of Rs 7,260 per person was estimated to cost 4.9% of GDP, making it a daunting fiscal challenge.

DIRECT BENEFIT TRANSFER (DBT) AS A PRECURSOR TO UBI Launch of DBT : Introduced in January 2013, DBT aims to reduce leakage, ensure timely transfers, and promote financial inclusion. JAM Trinity : Jan Dhan accounts, Aadhaar, and Mobile phones enable DBT’s success. Current Reach : Over 315 schemes across 53 ministries, disbursing Rs […]

Testimony on Harris County’s Guaranteed Income Program in the Senate Committee on Local Government

Testimony on Harris County’s Guaranteed Income Program in the Senate Committee on Local Government

Read this testimony as a PDF here. Unlocking the Potential of Guaranteed Income for Every Texan

Every Texan deserves the opportunity to thrive and ensure a bright future for themselves and their families.

In recent years, guaranteed income (GI) programs have been invaluable for many families. These piloted and means-targeted programs have enabled individuals to afford groceries, ease housing costs, cover medical expenses, and better care for their families. The immediate, tangible benefits of guaranteed income have garnered strong support nationwide.Guaranteed income has deep U.S. roots, gaining traction in the 1960s through civil rights leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King […]

Here Are the Workers Who Are Exempt From Paying Social Security Payroll Taxes

Here Are the Workers Who Are Exempt From Paying Social Security Payroll Taxes

You can’t overstate how important Social Security’s financial safety is for millions of American retirees. Having that guaranteed income in retirement brings stability and peace of mind to many, making Social Security one of the country’s more important social programs.

With all the good Social Security does for Americans, this money doesn’t just come out of thin air. It’s a byproduct of millions of people paying Social Security payroll taxes throughout their careers. Not everyone has to pay these taxes, however; some workers are exempt.

Let’s see who fits into that category and what it could mean for their retirement planning. […]

Universal Basic Guys is utterly basic

Universal Basic Guys is utterly basic

D FOX’s latest show is as retrograde as animated sitcoms get

Image: FOX Media Inc.

TV Reviews Universal Basic Guys 17 Titling your show Universal Basic Guys is quite the gamble. Sure, the animated FOX sitcom created by Adam and Craig Malamut follows a group of Jersey men who find themselves living a life of leisure once their factory jobs are given to robots and they’re offered $3,000/a month as part of a universal basic income pilot program. In that sense, the title is self-explanatory. But putting “basic” in your title almost makes negative reviews of […]

How a Sam Altman-backed study into guaranteed income was widely misinterpreted

How a Sam Altman-backed study into guaranteed income was widely misinterpreted

David Paul Morris – Bloomberg – Getty Images I’ve seen what cash can do for people experiencing financial hardship—and I also know what it can’t do. The nonprofit I lead, UpTogether , has been investing in people for two decades, distributing more than $210 million to more than 200,000 households since 2020 alone. We manage guaranteed income initiatives all over the country.

Unfortunately, the takeaway for many reporters and pundits from OpenResearch’s Unconditional Cash Study was that guaranteed income makes people “less productive.”

Yes, the data showed participants worked slightly fewer hours, spent more time on leisure, and earned less […]