Letters: Cashing in ahead of schedule

Freedom camping

I note from your February 9 issue that the problem of freedom campers and their offerings continues to be debated.

In the recent past, one of our prime ministers appointed himself Minister of Tourism but failed to address the maxim that input eventually requires output.Perhaps the matter is not touched on in the training programme for futures traders.Any leathery old farm labourer will tell you if you double the number of grunters populating a sty, therefore doubling the supply of tucker, there will be twice the output of unmentionables.The country has tried to cash in on large-scale tourism […]

Study Finds People Given Basic Income Are Likely to Keep Working

Study Finds People Given Basic Income Are Likely to Keep Working

A new examination of the Alaska Permanent Fund’s economic impact shows that the universal payments didn’t incite people to quit their jobs and actually increased part-time work. This suggests that universal basic income would not cause people to leave the work force.

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a social concept in which every person within a system receive a regular, standard, basic income regardless of employment, background or other external factors. Some criticize UBI, saying that people would stop working with a basic income. However, a recent study demonstrated that people receiving UBI would likely keep their jobs and […]

futurism.com | Study Finds People Given Basic Income Are Likely to Keep Working

futurism.com | Study Finds People Given Basic Income Are Likely to Keep Working

mukeshbalani.com | “You heard it here first…if you haven’t already heard it elsewhere”…

Study Finds People Given Basic Income Are Likely to Keep Working

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a social concept in which every person within a system receive a regular, standard, basic income regardless of employment, background or other external factors. Some criticize UBI, saying that people would stop working with a basic income. However, a recent study demonstrated that people receiving UBI would likely keep their jobs and even take on more part-time work.The study examines the impact of the Alaska Permanent Fund , a $61-billion communal […]

Change taxation to build a better society

Change taxation to build a better society

Owen Jones’s discussion of tax seeks to put forward a “radical” agenda but is actually strikingly conservative, especially because of its focus on higher income tax rates ( Tax radicals? McDonnell and Corbyn are not radical enough , 16 February). This focus is unhelpfully constraining for two reasons.

First, income tax now matters much less than it used to – it has fallen from over half of total UK revenue in the 1970s to about 30% today. There have been compensating rises in VAT and national insurance contributions, and the second of these especially is ripe for radical reform. Second, […]

Finland offers basic income and changes the lives of everyone

Finland offers basic income and changes the lives of everyone

In January 2017, Finland began to pay a random sample of 2,000 unemployed, aged 25 to 58, 560 per month.
There was no obligation to look for or accept work during the two-year trial period launched at the initiative of the center-right government, which has imposed several austerity measures in the country.

Even if they were in a job, they would continue to receive the same amount each month.
According to Independent, the Universal Basic Income (UBI) “experiment” was set in the hope of reducing total social security costs and the unemployment rate by encouraging people to find paid work […]

A universal basic income won’t solve the problem of jobs, or the lack of them, in the coming ‘post work’ world

A universal basic income won’t solve the problem of jobs, or the lack of them, in the coming ‘post work’ world

Jobs like this at an assembly plant in Mexico may disappear in the coming “post work” world of artificial intelligence, but should all people be paid a standard wage by governments? Photo: Reuters Surveillance cameras in Beijing. China is thought to deploy about 172 million such cameras and accounts for 43 per cent of a global US$47 billion business. Photo: Simon Song As a working class kid in the UK in the 1960s, the unrelenting financial struggle meant that every school or university holiday, I knuckled down to summer jobs, winter jobs – any jobs – to make ends […]

Leftist and young buck lead as Mexico parties make presidential picks

Leftist and young buck lead as Mexico parties make presidential picks

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexico’s political parties will formally choose presidential candidates on Sunday, setting the stage for a race between a leftist holding a strong lead, a young leader of a right-left coalition catching up, and a trailing ruling party candidate.

With six weeks to go before campaigning begins for the July 1 vote, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, 64, will be named as candidate by the leftist Morena party he founded after his second failed bid for the presidency in 2012.

The former Mexico City mayor has held a double-digit lead in most polls since last year and his support […]

Is universal basic income a good idea?

To all those people who claim UBI is too expensive: More wealth for people lower down the economic ladder leads to more economic growth than most of it being owned by rich people. UBI is a transfer of wealth. It’s not a creation of wealth.

R.I.P. John Mahoney (1940-2018)

Hope they serve tossed salads and scrambled eggs in heaven old man ;)Your warnings are baseless. New occupations are being created at a much much faster rate than they are vanishing The greatest trick the Republicans ever pulled was convincing rural Americans that the free market could solve all their problems, when […]

Resolved: The United States should provide a universal basic income.

> Economist
UBI is a joke. The only reason economists take it seriously is because, in principle, it doesn’t impact the marginal costs or benefits of any decision, and so helps the poor without distorting incentives. In fact it would distort incentives, since it would change the incentive to have children, as well as to immigrate to the US, but put that to one side. The bigger issue is how you pay for it. If the goal is to pay for it without distorting incentives, the tax would need to be a head tax, which would simply […]

Finland is testing out Basic Income and it is changing lives

In theory, means-testing saves money A basic income could replace Universal basic income trials being particularly in Scotland where the governing SNP voted in support of a basic income “It’s a time to be testing out changing our world and lives. There was no Finland is giving each citizen a universal basic income and it’s changing lives It might turn out not to be the answer, it might turn out not to be feasible. As a rich country in Instead of giving free money to everyone, the experiment is handing out, in effect, a form of unconditional unemployment benefits. […]