Colby Cosh: France’s socialists get behind the Breton Bernie and his Butlerian Jihad

Colby Cosh: France’s socialists get behind the Breton Bernie and his Butlerian Jihad

Kyle MacLachlan in David Lynch’s Dune — or, perhaps, the unfolding French presidential election. It’s getting hard to tell. You know how we sometimes refer to the Liberals, whether ironically or sincerely, as our “natural governing party”? The Parti Socialiste is arguably the French equivalent. But it has fallen on hard times. On Sunday the PS, party of reigning French president François Hollande, met to choose its nominee for this spring’s election. As far as one can tell, no one occupying any position on the French political spectrum has been happy with the uninspiring, unprincipled Hollande. Although eligible for […]

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