Universal Basic Income–Not The Answer, Yet But Needs To Be Discussed by Graham Peebles

Universal Basic Income–Not The Answer, Yet But Needs To Be Discussed by Graham Peebles

Image by Howard Lake via Flickr by Graham Peebles
Writer, Dandelion Salad
London, England
March 17, 2017
Poverty blights the lives of billions of people throughout the world: in developing countries, where it is acute, and industrialised nations, where it’s hidden but growing. It rises out of social injustice, makes exploitation and abuse inevitable, brings death and disease, robs people of opportunity and dignity, feeds anger and resentment.Much like the rubbish that litters the streets of our cities, the poor, destitute and hungry are swept out of sight. Their existence is an embarrassment to politicians and sits uncomfortably […]

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