Prospects of Car-Dealership Work Scare Off Many Job-Seekers

Prospects of Car-Dealership Work Scare Off Many Job-Seekers

Young dealership workers most likely to leave. The Big Story: Car Dealers Stuck Paying Staff ‘Turnover Tax’ Millennials lead the way when it comes to calling it quits at car dealerships, where employee turnover has been a chronic issue.

Cox Automotive’s 2017 Dealership Staffing Study says the turnover rate for 20- and 30-something Generation Y’ers is 52%, meaning, on average, every other Millennial who hires on at a dealership ends up leaving.

But it is not just them. About one in three Gen X’ers and one in four Baby Boomers account for dealership turnovers that are “crazy high” industrywide, says Isabelle […]

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