Finland’s Assessment of Basic Income Trial: Not Impressed

Sorry, basic income. Finland is simply just not that into you.

Well, the Finnish government in particular.

In January 2017, Finland launched a first-of-its-kind basic income trial , the first by a European government. For two years, 2,000 randomly chosen unemployed citizens would receive a tax-free, no-strings-attached monthly payment of €560 ($690) from the government to test the viability of basic income.With eight months still left in its two-year-long trial of universal basic income, the nation’s government has told Kela, the Finnish social security agency, it will not expand the project, The Guardian reports .The Finnish government has refused Kela’s request […]

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Finland’s Assessment of Basic Income Trial: Not Impressed

Finland’s Assessment of Basic Income Trial: Not Impressed

Sorry, basic income. Finland is simply just not that into you.

Well, the Finnish government in particular.

In January 2017, Finland launched a first-of-its-kind basic income trial , the first by a European government. For two years, 2,000 randomly chosen unemployed citizens would receive a tax-free, no-strings-attached monthly payment of €560 ($690) from the government to test the viability of basic income.With eight months still left in its two-year-long trial of universal basic income, the nation’s government has told Kela, the Finnish social security agency, it will not expand the project, The Guardian reports .The Finnish government has refused Kela’s request […]

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