The Growing Need For A Universal Basic Income

The Growing Need for a Universal Basic Income

Labor force participation rates, which are the percentage of people in a given country who have any job at all, have been declining since around 2001. So have median incomes. Mean incomes, on the other hand, have increased. This means that while the average person is less likely to work, and likely to earn less money if they do, the total amount of money being earned per person has increased because of gains in income at the top.

This is no conspiracy of the powerful and wealthy keeping the little man down. […]

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The Growing Need for a Universal Basic Income

The Growing Need for a Universal Basic Income

Labor force participation rates, which are the percentage of people in a given country who have any job at all, have been declining since around 2001. So have median incomes. Mean incomes, on the other hand, have increased. This means that while the average person is less likely to work, and likely to earn less money if they do, the total amount of money being earned per person has increased because of gains in income at the top.

This is no conspiracy of the powerful and wealthy keeping the little man down. This is the obvious result of our post […]

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