Oracle Investment Management Has Decreased Its Tesaro (TSRO) Stake by $3.38 Million; Facebook (FB) Valuation Rose While Riggs Asset Managment Company Trimmed Stake by $822,287

Oracle Investment Management Has Decreased Its Tesaro (TSRO) Stake by $3.38 Million; Facebook (FB) Valuation Rose While Riggs Asset Managment Company Trimmed Stake by $822,287

Riggs Asset Managment Company decreased its stake in Facebook Inc (FB) by 47.88% based on its latest 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Riggs Asset Managment Company sold 6,277 shares as the company’s stock rose 22.38% with the market. The institutional investor held 6,834 shares of the technology company at the end of 2018Q4, valued at $896,000, down from 13,111 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Riggs Asset Managment Company who had been investing in Facebook Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $492.71B market cap company. The stock increased 0.81% […]

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