OpenAI CEO launches global “Worldcoin” cryptocurrency to facilitate Universal Basic Income (UBI) and globalist authoritarian control

OpenAI CEO launches global “Worldcoin” cryptocurrency to facilitate Universal Basic Income (UBI) and globalist authoritarian control


The new "Worldcoin" digital cryptocurrency token for global identification has officially launched, and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, the guy behind it, is thrilled about its implications for launching a global Universal Basic Income (UBI) program.

As we recently reported, the purpose of Worldcoin is to verify the identities of internet users by scanning their irises to determine whether or not they are real people. This "World ID" program, as they are calling it, is part of a "global digital passport" system for instant verification.According to Altman, his company is strategically placing "orbs" all around the world to scan […]

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