Superhit Deposit Scheme: Deposit Rs 5 lakh in lump sum, will get guaranteed income of Rs 3,083 every month, check immediately

Superhit Deposit Scheme: Deposit Rs 5 lakh in lump sum, will get guaranteed income of Rs 3,083 every month, check immediately

Superhit Deposit Scheme: Deposit Rs 5 lakh in lump sum, will get guaranteed income of Rs 3,083 every month, check immediately Superhit Deposit Scheme: Market fluctuations have no effect on your investment in this scheme. In this your money remains completely safe. Investment has to be made only once in MIS account. Its maturity is 5 years.

Superhit Deposit Scheme: There is a superhit government scheme of the government. In which if you invest lump sum, you will start getting guaranteed monthly income. This scheme is Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (Post Office MIS). Market fluctuations have no […]

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