Sen. Wanggaard: Governor’s council on domestic abuse violates open meetings and open records law blames domestic abuse on ‘white supremacy’

MADISON – Senator Van Wanggaard (R-Racine) expressed shock at the discovery that Governor Evers’ Council on Domestic Abuse (GCDA) had failed to follow Wisconsin’s Open Meeting and Open Records Laws, while blaming domestic violence on “White Supremacy.” Senator Jesse James (R-Altoona) and Representative Pat Snyder (R-Schofield) discovered through open records requests that the GCDA went almost 2 full years without noticing their meetings, and withheld important records.

“The Open Records and Open Meetings laws are not suggestions. Governor Evers’ Council on Domestic Abuse clearly broke the law and now we know why,” said Wanggaard. “They spent their time writing a […]

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