Visionary Advocate Andrew Spira Highlights Universal Basic Income’s Success In Alleviating Poverty Amidst Global Challenges

Visionary Advocate Andrew Spira Highlights Universal Basic Income's Success In Alleviating Poverty Amidst Global Challenges

Andrew Spira , an advocate for universal basic income (UBI), is drawing global attention to its potential in poverty alleviation, supported by substantial findings from GiveDirectly’s extensive UBI trial in Kenya. Initiated in 2017, this significant U.S.-based charity project is recognized as the world’s most comprehensive UBI experiment, delivering monthly cash payments to thousands of Kenyan villagers.

The study aims to assess the long-term effects of sustained cash transfers over a 12-year period, providing critical insights into the impact of financial aid on economic stability and community well-being.

The research, compelling in its findings, indicates substantial improvements in recipients’ lives compared […]

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