2 St. Louis residents are suing the city’s basic income program in an attempt to halt what they call ‘unconstitutional’ $500 monthly payments to low-income families

2 St. Louis residents are suing the city's basic income program in an attempt to halt what they call 'unconstitutional' $500 monthly payments to low-income families

Two St. Louis residents are suing to halt the city’s guaranteed basic income program. Two St. Louis residents filed a lawsuit to halt the city’s guaranteed basic income pilot.

The program provides 540 low-income families $500 monthly to help them afford housing and food.

The lawsuit alleges that it’s "unconstitutional" for St. Louis to use public money on basic income. As St. Louis continues its guaranteed basic income pilot , two residents are suing to cut the program’s funding. The lawsuit alleges that the city’s plan to give low-income families $500 a month is unconstitutional in the state […]

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