Report: Baltimore’s $1,000 monthly cash assistance program helps with income, housing independence, mental health

Report: Baltimore’s $1,000 monthly cash assistance program helps with income, housing independence, mental health

Kenneth K. Lam/The Baltimore Sun Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, right, shakes hand with Joe Jones Jr., founder of Center for Urban Families, before announcing the guaranteed income pilot program during a news conference at the War Memorial Building in the spring of 2022. The pilot program has provided 200 randomized lottery-selected young parents unconditional cash payment of $1,000 per month for two years. (Kenneth K. Lam/Staff) PUBLISHED: June 26, 2024 at 10:46 p.m. | UPDATED: June 26, 2024 at 10:50 p.m.

A pilot program distributing $1,000 in unconditional monthly cash assistance to Baltimore parents seems to be working.

A report halfway […]

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