Donald Trump looming plus other letters, July 5: ‘Relax. … democracy is safe in the United States’

Donald Trump looming plus other letters, July 5: ‘Relax. … democracy is safe in the United States’

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. president Donald Trump enters at a campaign event, on June 18, in Racine, Wis. Under fire

Re “Free rein” (Letters, July 4): I am always amused at various contributors to your paper furiously gnashing their teeth and ripping out their hair at what is looking more and more like a second Trump presidential term.

Relax. The United States is not a third-world dictatorship. It has multiple checks and balances which exist precisely to prevent overamplified beliefs in suspected abuses of power by deplorables. Democracy is safe in the United States, despite what the polar […]

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