‘Is an annuity or drawdown the best option for my £100,000 Sipp?’

‘Is an annuity or drawdown the best option for my £100,000 Sipp?’

Charlene Young Pensions Doctor

16 September 2024 2:01pm Write to Pensions Doctor with your pension problem: pensionsdoctor@telegraph.co.uk . Columns are published weekly. Becky O’Connor is away. Good afternoon,

My wife retired two years ago, and I’ve just started collecting my state pension.I am self-employed and still work regularly, which earns me around £24,000 annually (gross).We have £140,000 in Isas which pay a fixed rate of 5pc, and £100,000 in Premium Bonds and various other savings, totalling approximately £45,000.I also have a Sipp of £100,000, which is in drawdown .I wonder whether continuing to add the current max of £10,000 […]

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