Ann Arbor Launches Guaranteed Income Pilot Program to Support Low-Income Entrepreneurs

Ann Arbor Launches Guaranteed Income Pilot Program to Support Low-Income Entrepreneurs

AI Legalese Decoder: Empowering Ann Arbor’s Guaranteed Income Pilot Program Set to Launch in 2024 1 legal -document-to-plain-english-translator/”>Try Free Now: Legalese tool without registration

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Starting in January 2024, 100 randomly selected low-income Ann Arbor residents will receive $528 per month for two years as part of the city’s new guaranteed income pilot program: Guaranteed Income to Grow Ann Arbor. The program’s funds, which aim to support low-income entrepreneurs and small business owners, have been allocated from the $24.2 million in federal funding given to the City of Ann Arbor under the American Rescue Plan.The AI […]

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