Barker 1AC – It’s in the name.

Barker 1AC - It's in the name.

Basic Income – Poverty Line –


1AC 1AC Plan Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by providing a basic income for persons at or near the poverty level 1AC Solvency Basic Income works – overwhelming evidence shows they money is spent on solving basic needs and improving their overall situation Susan Harris “Demonstrating Economic Liberation: How Guaranteed Income Pilot ProgramsPoint to Ne w Solutions to Poverty” 2023####### lisc/our-resources/resource/demonstrating-economic-liberation-how-####### guaranteed-income-pilot-programs-point-new-solutions-poverty/####### Despite critics’ fears that a no-strings-attached “handout” would encourage people to spend####### irresponsibly and avoid employment, research on the Stockton […]

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