Budget Neglects Māori And Disregards Te Tiriti

Budget Neglects Māori And Disregards Te Tiriti

The Green Party’s Te Mātāwaka (Māori and Pasifika) caucus has labelled this year’s Budget as unambitious for Māori and unapologetic in its disregard for Te Tiriti.

"Today’s Budget is pathetic, underwhelming and lazy," says Green Party co-leader, Marama Davidson

"The Minister for Māori Development is clearly asleep at the wheel, I suspect he didn’t even bother to get in the waka.""The Government has chosen to turn back time on Te Tiriti progress with a Budget that does little for Māori and even less to honour our founding document."Māori Housing initiatives. Gone. Māori Climate initiatives. Gone. All there is is a small […]

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