Businesswoman Wins Democratic Primary By 5 Votes in Race to Succeed Alcee Hastings

Businesswoman Wins Democratic Primary By 5 Votes in Race to Succeed Alcee Hastings

Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick. Photo via Facebook. With a recount completed, Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick has declared victory in the Democratic primary of the Congressional District 20 special election.

Upon final tabulations from the Broward and Palm Beach counties supervisor of elections offices, Cherfilus-McCormick finished with 11,662 votes to squeak past Broward County Commissioner Dale Holness, who finished with 11,657 votes. Both counties will now send their totals to the Florida Secretary of State’s office for certification.

In a statement, Cherfilus-McCormick called the electoral process democracy’s “bedrock” and although lengthy, it was “necessary to ensure the integrity of every vote to strengthen the public’s trust […]

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