Billy Burrows: Why fixed term income plans deserve advisers’ attention

Billy Burrows: Why fixed term income plans deserve advisers' attention

Billy Burrows: "The more tools advisers have in their toolbox the better." Retirement specialist Billy Burrows takes an in depth look at fixed term income plans which, he says, should be an option in every adviser’s toolbox

Before pension freedoms there was a healthy debate about annuities and drawdown and what lies in the middle.

However, since 2014, when the George Osborne first announced the new freedoms, this debate has almost disappeared as drawdown becomes the new default and annuities have gone out of fashion.But three years after pension freedoms it is a good time to reignite the discussion about how […]

Govt. Is Planning To Reduce Your Take-Home Salary; Major Labour Reforms Planned!

Govt. Is Planning To Reduce Your Take-Home Salary; Major Labour Reforms Planned!

This is certainly a bad news for salaried employees, who are banking on next month’s salary to manage their monthly expenditures.

Govt. of India is planning a slew of labour reforms, which if implemented, can bring down your take-home salary!

What exactly is being planned, and how can it affect your salary?Keep reading to find out! Take-Home Salary To Come Down? As per an exclusive report by Business-Standard, it has been revealed that Govt of India is planning a major overhaul of existing labour laws.Once the changes are approved, and notified, then take home salary of all existing employees in India […]

Commentary: Stockton’s basic income idea is getting attention. But will it uplift anyone?

Commentary: Stockton's basic income idea is getting attention. But will it uplift anyone?

Just driving through a couple of blocks near downtown Stockton, Calif. — over bridges, down Martin Luther King Boulevard, within eyesight of the San Joaquin River — showed me why this Central Valley city of 300,000 has such a rundown reputation. There was a man passed out against a wall, a brown bag just barely covering up his tall boy. Trash-strewn main streets. People loitered around abandoned buildings while guarding shopping carts that towered with sundries.

In the popular imagination, Stockton is the Detroit of California. The only thing I knew about it growing up is that a gunman massacred […]

Stockton, California Launches Universal Basic Income Experiment

Stockton, California Launches Universal Basic Income Experiment

Partnering with a private charity, the City of Stockton, California will test whether a government-administered universal basic income (UBI) program can lift people out of poverty. Article Tags Partnering with a private charity, the City of Stockton, California will test whether a government-administered universal basic income (UBI) program can lift people out of poverty.

The Economic Security Project, a charitable organization co-chaired by Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes, is donating $1 million to the city to fund an eighteen-month study of a UBI program.

Starting in 2019, 100 Stockton families will receive a monthly payment of $500 per household from the city […]

Universal Basic Income Universal Basic Income (UBI) is an unconditional cash –

Universal Basic Income    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is an unconditional cash  -

> Universal Basic Income (UBI) is an unconditional cash payment, meaning given regardless of factors such as income level or race, subsidized by the government. UBI is often a staple and found in socialist and welfare countries/states. UBI’s purpose is to provide the citizens of a state or country with enough money to provide basic living necessities such as food, water, and shelter. Some claim UBI to be a solution to poverty and threats to jobs, such as artificial intelligence, while others claim it as fiscally and morally irresponsible.

Johanna Perkio, faculty member of the University of Tempere, author and […]

Basic Income Could Increase Poverty – Research by University of Antwerp

Basic Income Could Increase Poverty - Research by University of Antwerp

This headline was on the front page of just about every major Belgian newspaper. Some news outlets even went a little bit further, stating that basic income would spell disaster for our society. All of this news is based on one single study done by the University of Antwerp(U.A.). I would like to add some nuance to these claims, since there were a lot of assumptions being made on the basis of one single study. Image created by Mike Ramsey and released under CC BY-SA 2.0 | Link to image Explaining the Study

This study was done by U.A. […]

Universal Basic Income Is Coming to California as Automation Looms

The Californian city of Stockton’s proposed guaranteed basic income for its residents is the latest in a number of plans to address the looming job shortage brought on by automation.

Robots are taking our jobs. They have been for a very long time. However, with more recent advances in automation putting millions of people’s livelihoods at risk, policymakers and think tanks around the world are now starting to consider ways of averting a potential poverty crisis.

In Stockton , California, a 27-year-old mayor has proposed a plan by which every resident will receive a guaranteed income from the city. Michael Tubbs […]

Experts Argue That Paying People To Work Less And Consume Less Can Save The Environment

Experts Argue That Paying People To Work Less And Consume Less Can Save The Environment

No compatible source was found for this media. The idea of universal basic income is that a financial payment from the government is given to every citizen. The people will feel less obligated to consume more as a reward for their hard work. ( Pixabay ) Universal Basic Income advocates Simon Lewis and Mark Maslin believe that humans can still mitigate the effects of increasing production and consumption.

In their book Human Planet, scientists Lewis and Marlin wrote that the presently human-dominated era called Anthropocene impacted the Earth in ways that are difficult to reverse. They argued that one way […]

Free Money and the Race to Save Nordic Welfare in the Euro Zone

Free Money and the Race to Save Nordic Welfare in the Euro Zone

Petteri Orpo Photographer: Roni Rekomaa/Bloomberg The only Nordic member of the euro zone is trying to figure out how its social welfare model can survive the future.

Finnish Finance Minister Petteri Orpo says the support system that his countrymen have relied on for more than half a century needs some profound adjustments as the population ages and debt repayment grows more challenging.

“It is clear that the social security that was created in the past is not working properly anymore,” Orpo said in an interview. “It does not fulfill its basic mission. We have to update the system to meet today’s […]

Presidential hopeful touts universal basic income scheme in visit to Keene

Presidential hopeful touts universal basic income scheme in visit to Keene

Presidential hopeful Andrew Yang, a Democrat and New York City entrepreneur, made a stop in Keene Tuesday at the Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship. Yang, a New York City entrepreneur, is a political newcomer vying for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. He’s visited New Hampshire before, but Tuesday marked his first trip to Keene.

Before attending a meeting of the N.H. Young Democrats at Keene State College’s Putnam Theatre, Yang stopped by the Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship to share some of his ideas with a small group of voters, including a universal basic income scheme he calls a “Freedom […]