Countries with universal basic income

You may have Universal basic income UBI pilot programs are in the works; here’s a look at where these UBI pilot programs are, what they’re like, and which are coming. The first bigger discussion on universal basic income in the Czech Republic was initiated by philosophers and social scientists Marek Hrubec A basic income, also called basic income guarantee, universal basic income (UBI), basic living . Some countries are already experimenting with it. Several countries are planning for local or regional experiments with basic income and/or related welfare systems. I don’t believe that any country has done so, and […]

Stockton and UBI

com/story/the-paradox-of-universal-basic-incomeMar 29, 2018 The idea of UBI in fact is an old idea, older than me even: Either through . Feb 1, 2018 STOCKTON (CBS/AP) — Stockton plans to give several dozen families $500 a month for a year as part of a program to study the economic and . Forbes published its “30 Under 30 in Law & Policy” and notes that these winners come from across the Jan 22, 2018 Tubbs is coordinating an effort to test a new way to sustain residents: universal basic income, or UBI. wants to provide a universal basic income for The […]

Another euro crisis? Italian chaos reawakens concerns

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — Italy’s political turmoil has sent a wave of concern through Europe’s 19-country currency union, with serious tremors hitting the country’s government debt market.

One big reason for the worry: the firewalls the eurozone built to prevent a rerun of its 2010-2012 debt crisis largely depend on countries being willing to play along with the currency bloc’s financial rules.

And that’s the last thing Italy’s populist parties say they want to do.Bond markets shuddered Tuesday, sending the yield on the Italy’s two-year bonds sharply higher — a sign investors think the bonds have suddenly become riskier investments. The […]

Y combinator basic income project

The project has been running since January, and at this phase it’s only . Y. Y Combinator Research. SEPTEMBER 2017. Sep 22, 2017 The new study will build on a similar pilot project Y Combinator is currently economic volatility and uncertainty,” Y Combinator’s Basic Income Jun 25, 2016 Earlier this month, Y Combinator, the famed Silicon Valley incubator dropped a If Y Combinator’s Basic Income project is successful, it would Oct 18, 2017 It’s the latest test of a policy known as basic income, funded not out of city revenues but The project — known as the Stockton Economic […]

Robots Will Not Create Mass Unemployment Says Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella

Robots Will Not Create Mass Unemployment Says Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella

Google Interrupts AI Satya Nadella has spoken to concerns that robots will overtake human labor. Though AI is becoming more and more advanced, the Microsoft CEO believes the number of jobs will grow.

“I don’t believe in that lump of labor fallacy, we don’t know all the jobs that are going to be there,” he said to The Sunday Times.

The lump of labor fallacy is the assumption that there’s a set amount of work. It’s been used for years to justify concerns about immigration and suggests that there’s only a set amount of work for humans to do.However, as […]

Emergency Cash Transfer Project Benefits 9 Million Yemenis

Emergency Cash Transfer Project Benefits 9 Million Yemenis

A volunteer carries hygiene kits provided by UNICEF in Sanaa, Yemen. Reuters file photo Nearly 1.5 million of the most vulnerable families in Yemen – an estimated 9 million people – have received emergency cash transfers from the Emergency Cash Transfer Project implemented by UNICEF and funded and supported by the World Bank’s International Development Association.

The joint UNICEF-World Bank project was launched in mid-2017 and this week concluded its second payment to the most vulnerable Yemenis. A third payment is being planned for August 2018.

“These emergency cash transfers contribute to avert the risk of famine and allow targeted families […]

We’re giving up on universal basic income before the evidence is in

We’re giving up on universal basic income before the evidence is in

WORLD NEWS | international Blame Scandinavian chic. Just as Denmark turned the concept of hygge into an international trend, Finland’s announcement in 2015 that it would trial universal basic income (UBI) started a serious fad. In the years since Finland’s much-publicized decision, several similar trials have launched in Ontario, Canada , Oakland, California , Barcelona, Spain , and southwestern Kenya .

The concept of universal basic income—which involves giving some amount of money to every citizen, regardless of need—is now widely known. It has spawned hundreds of think pieces , and is seen by some as a utopian solution to […]

Economics of ubi

Stanford’s Robert Hall who is against the proposition says “Limitation to people over 21 can’t be the right answer. In 2011, the World Economic Forum and the Harvard School of Public Health found that Non- communicable diseases (NCDs) “already pose a substantial Jun 30, 2016 But UBI is expensive and not generous enough. Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump because she did not provide a solution to the grave economic problems facing the American middle and working class. We don’t even have a productive economic model that the UBI will require a major rollback of economic What are the […]

Fife forges ahead with basic income pilot following successful joint funding bid

Fife forges ahead with basic income pilot following successful joint funding bid

Joint council leaders David Alexander (left) and David Ross. Fife will help shape a basic income pilot following a successful joint bid to the Scottish Government for £250,000.

Fife, North Ayrshire, City of Edinburgh and Glasgow City Councils are working together with NHS Health Scotland and the Improvement Service to explore the feasibility of pilots in their areas.

The aim of the scheme is to reduce poverty and inequality and find a possible route to a fairer and simpler welfare system.Already running in other countries, including Canada and the Netherlands, the different models help provide people with a basic income they […]

Robots won’t make people jobless, says Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella

Robots won't make people jobless, says Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella

Image Courtesy: Reuters There has been a lot of debate on how the robot will create a severe shortage of jobs in the future. In the past, noted name from the tech industry like Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Tesla founder Elon Musk and futurist Ray Kurzweil have warned about robots stealing jobs from humans. And now latest name to talk about the robot revolution is Microsoft CEO Staya Nadella, who instead of cautioning people has expressed his optimism in this technology.

Nadella told The Sunday Telegraph that he does not believe in the "fallacy" that robots will overtake human labour. […]