Finnish citizens given universal basic income report lower stress levels and greater incentive to work

Finnish citizens given universal basic income report lower stress levels and greater incentive to work

Finland has been giving 2,000 of its citizens an unconditional income for the last five months and some are already seeing the benefits, reporting decreased stress, greater incentives to find work and more time to pursue business ideas.

The scheme is the first of its kind in Europe and sees participants receive €560 (£473) every month for two years.

Recipients do not have to demonstrate that they are seeking employment and they are not required to regularly report to authorities to prove they still need the payment, as is the case with standard unemployment benefits . They can spend the money […]

Are you pro/cons basic income?

Voting Style: Open Point System: 7 Point Started: 8/3/2017 Category: Politics Updated: 5 hours ago Status: Debating Period Viewed: 31 times Debate No: 103390 I am wondering what you thinks about basic income which is money all citizen in a country receive.

The point with basic income is everybody getting enough money to live a comfortable life and if the robots are taking over the jobs, the unemployment rate would increase making more people jobless. That can increase the poverty where the gap between employed and unemployed increases which makes a unfair society if many jobs […]

What would you honestly do with universal basic income?

What would you honestly do with universal basic income?

i have several thoughts
1) from a personal standpoint, i believe that a ubi would allow me to write less "market-driven" fiction. which is to say i could allow myself a lot more time for dead-end fuckaround writing until i get to whatever i want to bring to the public, because the tantalizing carrot of being paid to write (and i guess you could put this for any arts) wouldn’t be as compelling
2) it’s not clear to me whether this would make the majority of people’s lives actually fulfilling, giving them more time for friends, family, and their […]

Automation and Technological Unemployment: Why Policymakers Need to Act Now

Automation and Technological Unemployment: Why Policymakers Need to Act Now

In 2013, Frey and Osborne published The Future of Employment: How Susceptible are Jobs to Computerisation?, in which they explored the question of how many jobs were at risk of being computerised.

By combining their analysis of current machine learning technologies and US Labour Bureau data on 702 different occupations – breaking down occupations into a list of tasks involved – the authors were able to figure out the proportion of jobs in the US economy , as of 2010, which were in danger of being automated. They reported that ‘47 percent of total US employment is in the high […]

Louise Haagh: “Basic Income as a pivoting reform”

Louise Haagh: “Basic Income as a pivoting reform”

Louise Haagh

Louise Haagh, an associate professor at the University of York and chair of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), argues in the June Nature that the reform is making inroads internationally today.

Nature is one of the world’s top academic journals, claiming an online readership of about 3 million unique readers per month.At the same time, Haagh says basic income is a pivoting argument, because it helps discussions that bring about changes in individual and public policy. She also argues that basic income should not be viewed in moral terms as a compensation for economic insecurity, that such a […]

Explore these ideas and much more!

Explore these ideas and much more!

A basic income really could end poverty forever But to become a reality, it needs to get detailed and stop being oversold. Bernie Sanders is the Democrats’ real 2020 frontrunner Like an old-growth tree that moves pitifully slow compared to the deadly encroachments of climate change, the Democratic Party establishment is now bumbling about in search of where to go now. If only there were some… signs. Is Bernie Sanders, 75, Too Old for 2020? His Fiercest Fans Say No Neoliberalism has conned us into fighting climate change as individuals Political Memes Green Party The Day After The Gop […]

Automation is Nothing New

Automation is Nothing New

In recent years, some people have become convinced that the digital revolution will lead to mass unemployment. The solution, they say, is to provide a Universal Basic Income so that every American receives enough money to live on whether they work or not. The hope of some UBI dreamers is that many people will use this freedom for intellectual and artistic pursuits.

For most people, however, it is the fear of automation that drives discussion of the idea of a guaranteed income. And, make no mistake about it, automation is already reshaping the workforce on a daily basis. The next […]

Signs of the Times -Universal Basic Income in Bible Prophecy

Signs of the Times -Universal Basic Income in Bible Prophecy

Universal Basic Income and Bible Prophecy,signs of the times Universal basic income or citizen’s income gives money to every family across the nation- as form of social security or welfare that one would receive without working. It is being promoted because of our living in a technological age where it is estimated that robots will replace humans and where up to 60% of the workforce will be automated. With not enough work to go around the solution is basic income. It is being touted in France by Benoit Hamon a French socialist candidate.

Recently in July Hawaii launched a basic […]

Automation May Lead to a Workless Future for Humans. Here’s How We Can Cope.

Automation May Lead to a Workless Future for Humans. Here’s How We Can Cope.

The Automation of Everything

To add to our apprehensions about the future, it seems we’re running out of letters with which to name successive generations: after Baby Boomers, came generation X, then Millennials (aka Gen-Y), who have now been succeeded by Generation Z. Whether or not one finds any symbolism, omen, or irony in this is beside the point. What is important to ask is: what kind of world will those born in the XXI century grow up in?

Will the automation of everything leave many people behind, bringing despair and disappointment? Or will it urge humanity to redefine self-actualization? […]

‘UBI Taiwan’ completing national basic income proposal

‘UBI Taiwan’ completing national basic income proposal

Students from across Taiwan have assembled for the first UBI Taiwan Summer Fellowship. The group is studying and researching Universal Basic Income (UBI) this summer, with the goal of producing a national basic income proposal by September.

The summer fellows met for the first time mid July to be trained in communicating basic income with those that have never been introduced to the idea. The fellows have developed a comprehensive strategy to promote and research UBI in Taiwan.

There are over 30 students from universities across Taiwan participating in either communications or research focused tasks.“The summer seminar is bringing together both […]