Fedler hopes to bring fighting spirit to byelection

Fedler hopes to bring fighting spirit to byelection

Supplied Photo Matt Fedler was announced as the New Democratic Party candidate for Battlefords-Lloydminster in the upcoming byelection on Dec. 11.

Fedler was born and raised in North Battleford, and said he feels he has what it takes to represent the riding.

Basic human rights, Fedler said a high priority for his campaign.“Clean air, drinking water, clothing, shelter,” he said. “A new study came out that said one in five Canadian children is living in poverty today, and the rates are almost double that for Indigenous children.”He also noted the high Indigenous population within the riding, as it was an important […]

Will Universal Basic Income eradicate global unemployment and save society?

Will Universal Basic Income eradicate global unemployment and save society?

What is Universal Basic Income?

Back in the 1950 & 60s, there was still hope. Following the bleakness of the Second World War, Europe and North America decided to turn their eyes to the skies and dream of technological utopias.

This ‘optimistic futurism’ permeated all aspects of American culture, from marketing to cartoons.In The Jetsons , a normal, middle-class family live out their lives in a towering aerial complex known as Orbit City. George Jetson, the family breadwinner, only works for 1 hour per day, 2 days a week.His official job title is “Digital Index Operator”, which is a fancy way […]

The case for Universal Basic Income

Chase Dean is a political science senior and Mustang News columnist. The views expressed in this column do not reflect the viewpoints and editorial coverage of Mustang News.

The United States of America is hurtling toward two major economic crises. The social security trust fund is projected to be tapped out by 2034. In addition, continual growth in automation is leaving Americans without jobs. According to some reports, manual labor-intensive jobs won’t be the only victims. With the growing uncertainty surrounding employment and social safety nets, a solution must be implemented.

There is one solution that addresses both crises: Universal […]

Over-50s underestimate life expectancy by eight years

Over-50s underestimate life expectancy by eight years

Men on average underestimated by six years The belief was most acute for women who, despite their life expectancy currently sitting at age 90, believed they will only live to age 82, according to research conducted by Retirement Advantage.

Men also underestimate their longevity, believing they will live until age 82 when on average their life expectancy is age 88.

Three-quarters of men underestimated their life expectancy, while 83% of women did the same. Just 5% and 2% guessed the average rate respectively.The figures came from a survey of 1,005 over-50s yet to retire with private or defined contribution (DC) pensions, […]

Universal Basic Income: Paying For It Through Automation

Universal Basic Income: Paying For It Through Automation

universal basic income the maslow argument How and why we could use the productivity wage gap to fund Universal Basic Income in the United States

— This is a follow up on why we should implement Universal Basic Income. The original post, Universal Basic Income: The Maslow Argument —

Now how do we pay for it? There’s a range of ideas . It would take all of them to keep things budget neutral.If we’re going to do it we should do it all the way. Let’s not nickel and dime. It should be $1200–1500 per month and it should […]

Retirees risk running out of money in later life as 78% underestimate how long they are likely to live

Retirees risk running out of money in later life as 78% underestimate how long they are likely to live

More than three quarters of over 50s underestimate how long they are likely to live, putting themselves at risk of running out of money during retirement, a new study has claimed.

Both men and women surveyed expected to live until around 82 years old on average, although analysis of official statistics show life expectancy is higher than that.

The average 50-64 year old man will likely live until 88, while the average 50-64 year old woman is expected to live until 90, analysis by Retirement Advantage shows. Longer lives: But both men and women underestimate how long they are likely to […]

Universal Basic Income: The Maslow Argument

Universal Basic Income: The Maslow Argument

universal basic income the maslow argument Looking at Universal Basic Income through the lens of the Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

In 1954 Abraham Maslow published his landmark work Motivation and Personality . A true stalwart that you’ll find being taught in virtually every social science and psychology program. In it Maslow lays out his deduction of why humans act the way they do, what they’re motivated by, and what they’re demotivated by.

We can think of our situation (personal, professional, familial, etc.) in life like we do a pyramid. The lower levels of the structure act as support for […]

Obama Guaranteed Income Automation Paid Game Player Surveys

So this doesn’t seem to be a moment in which there is a huge turn to the right. Can we do nothing to stop or even slow what seems a mechanized approximation of an army of marching Huns? InKurt Vonnegut published his first novel, Passive Income Web Ideas Reddit Fiverr Facebook Comments Money Pianoin which he imagined a weird, heavily automated future in which Oanda Mathematical Trading Strategies United States was led by president Jonathan Lynn, the blow-dried former star of a three-hour TV show. And how are you feeling now? It’s going to be harder to do in […]

TOPIC GUIDE: Universal Basic Income

TOPIC GUIDE: Universal Basic Income


In 2016, Swiss voters rejected proposals for a Universal Basic Income (UBI) in a referendum [Ref: Financial Times ]. If passed, it would have seen all Swiss citizens receive a guaranteed yearly payment, regardless of their employment status. Parties opposed to UBI argued that it would damage the economy by removing people’s motivation to work, and incentivise excessive immigration. In the same year, the UK Government ruled out the scheme as unaffordable. [Ref: Independent ]. Nevertheless, UBI, touted as ‘the dangerous idea of 2016’, continues to attract support from across the political spectrum. It was in the UK […]

Experts Say Universal Basic Income Would Boost US Economy by Staggering $2.5 Trillion

Experts Say Universal Basic Income Would Boost US Economy by Staggering $2.5 Trillion

In addition to helping counteract any automation-caused unemployment, a universal basic income could also provide a huge boost for the US economy, according to a new study from the Roosevelt Institute. They predict a $2.48 trillion increase in the nation’s GDP after eight years of UBI. UBI in the U.S.A.

In recent months, everyone from Elon Musk to Sir Richard Branson has come out in favor of universal basic income (UBI), a system in which every person receives a regular payment simply for being alive. Now, a study carried out by the Roosevelt Institute has concluded that implementing a […]