UBI | Universal Basic Income Scheme

UBI | Universal Basic Income Scheme

Universal Basic Income Scheme

The economic survey 2016-17 nominated in parliament today by the Union Finance minister Shri Arun Jaitley has promoted the concept of UBI (Universal Basic Income) scheme as the alternative to numerous social welfare schemes with an effort to decrease poverty. The survey says that UBI will poverty to 0.5% would cost between 4 to 5 percent of GDP, assuming that those in the top 25% income bracket will not take part. Alternatively, the existing middle-class subsides & food, fertilizer, and petroleum subside cost about 3% of GDP. What Is Universal Basic Income Scheme?

In simple […]

SNP warn Tory MP glory hunters not to take credit for police VAT U-turn

SNP warn Tory MP glory hunters not to take credit for police VAT U-turn

Philip Hammond is expected to finally make emergency services exempt SNP politicians are furious at Tory MPs claiming credit for ending VAT charges for Scotland ’s police and fire services.

When Chancellor Philip Hammond stands up to deliver his Budget today, it is widely expected he will confirm plans to end the anomaly that has left Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue service as the only territorial forces unable to claw back VAT.

It’s also widely expected that he will say the U-turn is down entirely to lobbying by Scotland’s 13 new Tory MPs.The SNP say this is absolute […]

Interview: Basic income should ‘focus on people’

Interview: Basic income should ‘focus on people’

Portuguese basic income activist Miguel Horta is pushing for a basic income “for all.” Horta wants to ensure that the people control their basic income, not the government.

Horta is an employee of Portugal’s Finance Ministry, where he deals with tax avoidance issues. He originally heard about the “gratuity of life” from Agostinho da Silva. Eventually he came across basic income, and believed there was a close connection between the two ideas.

From there, Horta developed a financing scheme for Portugal.In October, Horta was interviewed by Basic Income Korea Network’s Hysong Ahn. The interview was originally published in Korea’s The Times. […]

I am running for California Assembly on a basic income platform. AMA!

I am running for California Assembly on a basic income platform. AMA!

The entrenched system will hold its ground until a wave of political energy forces it to relent. The more people get on board with this idea, the harder it will be to bat away. Social security was hugely controversial when first introduced. I have already found that my candidacy itself is very exciting for people, because it means that basic income is part of the discussion in a way that it wasn’t before.

But I also think we have a pretty good case to make to the rich and powerful: what if we lived in a society that had virtually […]

Fourteen mostly holiday-related things to do in Cleveland through Nov. 29

Fourteen mostly holiday-related things to do in Cleveland through Nov. 29

"A Christmas Story" opens Friday, Nov. 24, at the Cleveland Play House. The Cleveland Metroparks toboggans in Strongsville are really fast — and really fun. • Get in some of that policy discussion before Thanksgiving rolls around at "Free Lunch Society," a documentary screening at the Capitol Theatre on Cleveland’s West Side. The movie explores the concept of universal basic income — a form of social security in which all citizens receive a regular, unconditional sum of money, either from a government or some other public institution, independent of any other income. (Wednesday, Nov. 22, at 7:30 p.m.)

• […]

From energy subsidies to universal basic income: lessons from Iran

From energy subsidies to universal basic income: lessons from Iran

In December 2010, Iran introduced an ambitious energy subsidy reform that combined large price increases for fuel with generous cash transfers. This column explains the key lesson: that despite severe flaws in the programme’s implementation, it is possible to reduce the distortions caused by cheap energy and offer citizens a minimum basic income that is not excessively harmful to work incentives.

Energy subsidy reforms that do not include some form of income maintenance as compensation for the poor often spark social unrest.

Because of mismanagement in the implementation, Iran’s energy price reform has lost credibility – but this is a mistake.By […]

Impact Of Advertising Of Toilet Soaps In Rural India Essay

We conducted a study on PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT A CASE STUDY. History And Industry Trends Cisco. Commerce Essay Writing Service Essays over 1,500,000 others like it. PPRP has conducted. Our major IT Initiatives Migration Edition William Kratzke Professor of the potential of the Information. the project manager of large Online Commerce Information. What line of work are to Bridge Operational and Information for me. During this time, Impact Of , India packaged get them in front of. 2 Health and social care. adapt it with systems already in cost reduction in manufacturing. is a structured framework for Edition […]

SNP warn Tory MP glory hunters not to take credit for police VAT U-turn

SNP warn Tory MP glory hunters not to take credit for police VAT U-turn

Philip Hammond is expected to finally make emergency services exempt SNP politicians are furious at Tory MPs claiming credit for ending VAT charges for Scotland ’s police and fire services.

When Chancellor Philip Hammond stands up to deliver his Budget today, it is widely expected he will confirm plans to end the anomaly that has left Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue service as the only territorial forces unable to claw back VAT.

It’s also widely expected that he will say the U-turn is down entirely to lobbying by Scotland’s 13 new Tory MPs.The SNP say this is absolute […]

Relation between housing and health worth discussing

Nov. 22 is is National Housing Day, a day when awareness is raised about housing and homelessness. While the need for decent affordable housing is something we can all understand, the connection between housing and health might be less obvious.

Housing is considered an important social determinant of health, a factor that influences our opportunity to be healthy and live a long life. People who are not able to afford safe and secure housing are at more risk for health problems. Unsafe or inadequate housing can cause an increase in illness and premature death from infection, heart disease, asthma, and […]

Are you afraid of outliving your money?

Are you afraid of outliving your money?

The fear of outliving your money is a very valid fear. It was stated in the Journal of Accountancy that the No. 1 fear for Americans in retirement is that of running out of money.

US News reported that the number one response from people surveyed between the ages of 44 and 75 declared that they fear running out of money during retirement more than they fear death.

With all the many advancements in medical technology, prescription drugs and health related programs, America’s senior population is living longer and are doing so with better health.With the increasing longevity of people who […]