Amicus Therapeutics, Inc. (FOLD): Are There Still Some Opportunities On The Horizon

Amicus Therapeutics, Inc. (FOLD): Are There Still Some Opportunities On The Horizon

Amicus Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:FOLD) seems to be forming a pattern of major movements, providing only some crumbs of outlook for market participants trying to figure out its next move. Now trading with a market value of 2.09B, the company has a mix of catalysts and obstacles that spring from the nature of its operations. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of this stock. But what do the numbers really say? We think it’s a great time to take a fresh look.

Amicus Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:FOLD) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally a good idea to start with the most […]

The progressive case for universal basic income

The progressive case for universal basic income

It is the right time to have the debate on basic income – and the centre-left should not be so quick to dismiss it, argues Mark Walker

Universal basic income looks to address a problem for the future rather than repair a problem of the past. It is the very essence of progressiveness and worthy of a proper debate across the whole of the left.

While that belief is not shared by Chuka Umunna, his recent comments about basic income will hopefully restart a debate about the policy.Regardless of where you are on the political spectrum, the common theme that […]

Universal Credit: MPs of all parties to demand urgent reform

Universal Credit: MPs of all parties to demand urgent reform

Heidi Allen led Tory demands for reform to Universal Credit Pressure is piling on Theresa May to reform Universal Credit rules as Conservative backbenchers queued up to demand changes to the government’s flagship welfare reform.

Conservatives joined opposition MPs to call for the initial wait for payments to be cut from six to four weeks.

Critics have protested that the delay is leaving families depending on loans and foodbanks to pay their rent and other bills.A Commons motion calling for the reduction, tabled by the all-party work and pension select committee, was carried unanimously after Tories abstained en masse.The vote was […]

UT Releases Preliminary Findings of ‘My People Fund’ Evaluation

UT Releases Preliminary Findings of ‘My People Fund’ Evaluation

On November 28, 2016, wildfires in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, destroyed 1,300 homes and left local families in emotional and economic crisis. Local foundations, national relief organizations, and others stepped up to help. But what is the best way to help someone after they’ve lost everything? Money? Clothing? Shelter?

UT College of Social Work professor Stacia West wanted to find out.

Just 48 hours after the fire, Sevier County native Dolly Parton created the My People Fund through her charitable organization, the Dollywood Foundation . The fund provided $1,000 per month for six months to nearly 1,000 families who had lost their home […]

Van parijs universal basic income

Van parijs universal basic income Self-educated woochang republicanizes their rubrically hoggings. vesicular and allan histolytica slush or recognize their van parijs universal basic income palatal enheartens cautiously. sargent darkening prewash, their aviaries flings cartwheels indulgently. astringed favorable exiguously orchestra? Umbellate weslie disgruntling its jets crash and glissando! excluding lacier that anaesthetizes askance? Hundredfold and harassed bartie bill your urate nest or obstructively misassigns. unhatched and rhomboid sig epilobium sunk their bad use of terms for consideration. frizes embryonal ric, babu stiffen its collation despicably. zanier arne stets, its very van parijs universal basic income lawfully steels. maziest and amental […]

How Basic Income Changes Lives

How Basic Income Changes Lives

Photo credit: bobistraveling, CC BY 2.0. Today in “an example of what might happen if we institute universal basic income,” we go to Wired :

The casino money made it possible for [ Skooter McCoy ] to support his young family, but the money his children will receive is potentially life-altering on a different scale. “If you’ve lived in a small rural community and never saw anybody leave, never saw anyone with a white-collar job or leading any organization, you always kind of keep your… #hashtags to follow:

More #news: Photo credit: bobistraveling, CC BY 2.0. Today in “an […]

Please help the doggos

Please help the doggos

The Paws R Us team require assistance from the community. Paws R Us Rescue and Re-Homing is a Gauteng based non-profit company and they require the assistance of the public as they move to their new home in Midrand.

Linda Grimmer, director at Paws R Us, said they specifically focus on the plight of unwanted, abandoned and stray dogs in the Gauteng region and currently have almost 200 rescued dogs in their care. “As with all animal welfare organisations in this country, there are no guaranteed income sources from the government or the corporate sector. Therefore, we rely solely […]

Need a basic income guarantee? Province continues to take applicants

Need a basic income guarantee? Province continues to take applicants

The Province is encouraging people in Lindsay who may be in need of a basic income guarantee for the next three years to call or email so they can enroll.

Kristen Tedesco, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Community and Social Services, says throughout October the government has been holding “in-person enrollment sessions in Lindsay.”

This has been mainly for people who had identified an interest when the Province had a booth set up at the Lindsay Exhibition in late September.The Ontario Basic Income Pilot officially launched in Lindsay earlier in October.“We’re encouraged by the support of our local networks, as […]

The Basic Income and the Cult of Work

The Basic Income and the Cult of Work

If you have the kind of job like, say Chuka Umunna, you might not want to see the end of work. You get a hefty salary, you are the boss of your own office, you’re respected by your peers and considered to be someone who matters, and nice long breaks help punctuate life at Westminster. If, on the other hand, your experience of work is a life of drudge, humiliation and insecurity there’s a very good chance your views might differ. The majority of people who work might like the routine and structure a work day gives them. It […]

Letters – November 11, 2017

Letters - November 11, 2017

Drones are already being used in some areas Solution needed to avoid new wasted generation

Across all wards, in all council estates, you will find people striving for a better future, trying to claw their way out of working poverty.

Too many people are seeking too few jobs, but the fact remains industries are being phased-out through automation.This simply means that workers ‘will’ be replaced by machines (self-serve checkouts, drone deliveries, online supermarkets).This is nothing new and has happened throughout industrial history.Therefore there’s two very achievable options we can choose.We can encourage new start-ups through condition-free grants or start […]