Pension inheritance rules explained

Pension inheritance rules explained

If you’ve built up significant pension savings over your lifetime, it’s important to consider how this wealth will be passed on to your loved ones when you die.

Here, we explain what happens to capital held in personal and workplace pensions on death. Remember that to be certain your pension savings will go to who you want them too, you will usually have to nominate your beneficiaries on a form which your pension provider can give you. Passing on retirement savings

There are several factors which determine what happens to your retirement savings when you die. Your age at death […]

A first step towards basic income

Basic Income is often seen as a policy that would happen in an ideal world, with its proponents apparently lacking any idea on how to get there. In my view, advocates like myself need to outline a plan that can bring us to a workable and simple welfare state that relies heavily on basic income as its primary source of support. That is what I am proposing.

A first step towards basic income would be to mostly replace the personal allowance with a payment to every person over the age of 18. While raising the personal allowance took millions out […]

Universal basic income is a great idea, which is also why it won’t happen

Anonymous Coward Re: fast forward.

Not really. Almost everyone can get a basic income of various levels at the moment through benefits as long as they jump through sufficient hoops. However if you wish to work then there are certain significant issues which affect your benefits and mean that you need to work a certain sweet spot of hours to make it work.

the idea with UBI is you can work any extra hours right through to being a CEO of a multi-million currency company and you’ll still get the UBI. So even if you worked 2 hours a […]

A sustainable socio-economic paradigm for the future

A sustainable socio-economic paradigm for the future

Exponential automation

Automation is likely to have far-reaching consequences on the topic of employment. Simultaneously it will pose a question not asked since the start of the industrial revolution: what is the purpose of work? Secondly; How do we want to live?

Growing inequality Eight people have the same amount of wealth as the entire bottom half of the planet – and the gap is growing. The far-reaching effects of inequality are increased social unrest, poor access to health, education and food systems.One of the key concerns of future generations is the human relationship with the ecosystem they live […]

Universal basic income is a great idea, which is also why it won’t happen

Universal basic income is a great idea, which is also why it won't happen

Maybe Zuck and Musk do have it all figured out, but powers that be will need to see some proof

The idea of a universal basic income (UBI) unites a strange mix of people. “We should explore ideas like universal basic income to give everyone a cushion to try new things,” Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg said in a speech at Harvard University in May. “And yes, giving everyone the freedom to pursue purpose isn’t free. People like me should pay for it,” he added .

Facebook recently announced it paid a not-immense £5.1m (US£6.7m) in UK corporate tax in 2016 […]

Taking a Look at the Operational Data for Altria Group, Inc. (MO)

Taking a Look at the Operational Data for Altria Group, Inc. (MO)

Altria Group, Inc. (NYSE:MO) is on our radar right now but there could still be some opportunities on the horizon. Now trading with a market value of 126.08B, the company has a mix of catalysts and obstacles that spring from the nature of its operations. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of this stock. But what do the numbers really say? We think it’s a great time to take a fresh look.

Altria Group, Inc. (NYSE:MO) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally a good idea to start with the most fundamental piece of the picture: the balance sheet. The […]

Is it time for Universal Basic Income? – Charles Murray, In Our Hands: my five lessons and takeaways

Is it time for Universal Basic Income? – Charles Murray, In Our Hands: my five lessons and takeaways

The time is coming when some form of Universal Basic Income (UBI) will be needed. Maybe that time is coming sooner than we think.

And, by the way, this UBI approach may provide a more economical way to meet the basic human needs. If this sounds like an idea recommended by the liberals and progressives of the world, that may be correct. But, actually, I have just finished reading In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State by Charles Murray (the revised and updated edition, published in 2016). Mr. Murray is no liberal. And the book was published […]

Under Armour, Inc. (UA): Interesting Series Of Developments Taking Place

Under Armour, Inc. (UA): Interesting Series Of Developments Taking Place

Under Armour, Inc. (NYSE:UA) seems to be forming a pattern of major movements, providing only some crumbs of outlook for market participants trying to figure out its next move. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of this stock. But what do the numbers really say? We think it’s a great time to take a fresh look.

Under Armour, Inc. (NYSE:UA) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally a good idea to start with the most fundamental piece of the picture: the balance sheet. The balance sheet health of any company plays a key role in its ability to meet its […]

Hilary Clinton On Basic Income: A Tiny Step For Upgrading Political Value Systems…?

The Basic Income model is an interesting economic concept that’s been gaining attention.

I’ve written about basic income before , foreseeing the model and cryptocurrency to be a particularly good fit. And there’s been a number of high-profile entrepreneurs, including Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, Sam Altman, Ray Kurzweil, and others supporting basic income .

The model – one in which citizens are given a "basic income" to cover their base living costs, no strings attached – has been garnering support from many who foresee the immense benefits that could come by relieving people of the financial stress of […]

Former Google China President Says AI Will Take Over Jobs Sooner Than Expected

Former Google China President Says AI Will Take Over Jobs Sooner Than Expected

An Inevitable Takeover?

There are those who believe it’s inevitable that artificial intelligence (AI) will take over many jobs currently held by human employees. In some industries, this trend has already begun, and experts have predicted we’ll see an uptick in intelligent automation over the next decade. Former Google China president Kai-Fu Lee believes the “takeover” by intelligent machines will happen even sooner.

Speaking on CNBC’ s “Squawk Box” on November 13, Lee said that half of all human jobs will be taken over by AI within the next decade, marking the fastest period of disruption in history. “AI, at […]