Sky rubbishes BBC’s ‘bizarre’ SVOD concerns

Sky rubbishes BBC’s ‘bizarre’ SVOD concerns

Sky’s content chief, Gary Davey, has slammed the BBC’s “bizarre” concerns over the arrival of SVOD players Netflix and Amazon in the UK market.

Sky Content managing director Davey (pictured) claimed “the golden age of television is just getting started”, and considered the entrance of on-demand players an example of giving “customers more choice” and writers, producers and production staff “more opportunities”.

“In a speech on Thursday , Tony Hall, the BBC director-general, said the entire UK production industry was facing a significant threat thanks to the arrival of competition from streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon,” Davey said in an […]

Is tech disruption only benefitting the privileged few?

Is tech disruption only benefitting the privileged few?

The full impact of the disruption that technology is currently wreaking on all sectors of our economy is a long way from being imagined, never mind predicted.

In The Future of Work: on the economy millennials will create from circumstances they have inherited , Jess Kimball, chief futurist at OgilvyRed, the WPP network’s consultancy arm, discusses how the pursuit of efficiency is going to affect all our lives – and the lives of the generation coming up behind us.

The trend is of increasing power (and cash) in the hands of fewer companies. While Kimball stops short of predicting exactly what […]

Basic Income

Basic income – good idea or bad? Why/why not? Could it ever be feasible (e.g. in a strong enough economy) or is it inherently undesirable? How about current experiments in it (Finland, Italy, etc.)?

It could work, but not in a country like the US. You need a stable economy for it.

badum tishDo you believe it’s always necessary to rebel against the government? In a situation where this isn’t necessary (assuming that you believe one could exist) would it still be bad?Basic income requires eugenics and compulsory labor. Otherwise, we’d breed ourselves into complacency. On the other hand, I believe […]

Joe Biden Positions Himself as the ‘Anti-Bernie’

Joe Biden Positions Himself as the ‘Anti-Bernie’

Joe Biden speaks to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago on November 1, 2017. (Ashlee Rezin/Sun Times via AP) Last Wednesday, after a relatively quiescent 2017 spent mainly out of the spotlight, former vice president Joseph R. Biden Jr. gave what was billed as a major address in Chicago.

Speculation that Biden is assumed to be considering a third run for the presidency brought a level of interest where, in a world in which Hillary Clinton was president, there probably wouldn’t be all that much. Subsequent revelations by former DNC Chair Donna Brazile […]

What is universal basic income

Browse The Independent’s complete collection of articles and commentary on universal basic income. Dr Luke Martinelli. IPR Research Associate, University of 31 Aug 2017 Universal basic income is becoming increasingly popular as a potential solution to the social problems caused by poverty and rising inequality 12 Apr 2017 Universal basic income is finally getting serious consideration in places like Finland, Canada and India. But an increasing number of high-profile Silicon Valley executives are endorsing universal basic income (UBI), a system in which everyone receives a standard 4 days ago The policy of guaranteeing every citizen a universal basic income […]

Report from the Cash Conference

Report from the Cash Conference

On Thursday, October 19th, activists, social justice advocates, economists, futurists, venture capitalists, writers, community organizers and politicians gathered at the Old Mint in San Francisco – a symbolically poetic building – to talk about Cash. Organized by the Economic Security Project , the goal of the conference was to “reimagine what an economy built on the well-being of everyone could look like.”

Cara Rose DeFabio and Sandhya Anantharaman were the MC’s for the day, introducing each segment, panel or presentation, showcasing a range of thoughts around how cash transfers can shape society. See the full schedule here .

The conference embraced […]

DOL Delay Loosens Vise On Annuities

DOL Delay Loosens Vise On Annuities

An 18-month delay in implementing key parts of the Department of Labor (DOL) fiduciary rule has eased its vise-like grip on insurers and annuity distributors, insurance company executives told analysts.

Abating regulatory pressure around annuity transactions also should give life insurers and distributors more time to shape a rule in a manner that will help retirement savers, the executives said during third quarter earnings conference calls.

“I think this pause plus the distance from June 9 is beginning to ease the impact of the DOL from a sales standpoint,” said Dennis R. Glass, president and CEO of Lincoln Financial.Before the June […]

Macron universal basic income

pɛ̃]; born 9 April 1952, Boulogne-Billancourt) is a former French politician. Jun 19, 2017 · These are external links and will open in a new window The family of a man arrested after a terror attack near a London mosque say they are "shocked" and An archive of public Freedomain Radio podcasts. Sessions is wrong: The . Michel Sapin (French pronunciation: [mi. Never has a French presidential election captivated so many international commentators before. There may even be good arguments for bad causes. Infowars. Employers love it; workers less so. The idea of guaranteeing a basic income for everybody […]

When Robots Take Your Job, Will You Get a Universal Basic Income?

When Robots Take Your Job, Will You Get a Universal Basic Income?

Automation is poised to dramatically change the way we all live, including how we work. What will you do when a robot takes over your job?

It sounds like the premise from a sci-fi movie, but there’s a good chance that over the next couple decades, it will be your reality. A 2017 report by PwC found that 38 percent of U.S. jobs will be replaced by robots and artificial intelligence by the early 2030s. A Futurism infographic points out some pretty incredible numbers, too. For example, 47 percent of jobs in Los Angeles, California, are at risk of […]

What We Will Learn from Basic Income Experiments Around the World

What We Will Learn from Basic Income Experiments Around the World

Many economists see a universal basic income as a potential solution to the shortcomings of existing income support programs, but, however conceptually elegant, a UBI raises many practical questions. Would just handing out cash turn us into a nation of layabouts? Do poor people really respond rationally to changes in program design? Do economic incentives need to be supplemented by administrative work requirements?

We will get some answers from several well-designed experiments now getting away around the world, cogently summarized in a new report from BIEN, the Basic Income Earth Network. A program in Finland will compare the existing unemployment […]