A basic income for everyone? Yes, Finland shows it really can work

A basic income for everyone? Yes, Finland shows it really can work

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The Optimist Daily is simple and FREE : we (actual human beings) scour the web to find the BEST solutions that are working RIGHT NOW to make our world a better place (not fluff, not hype, not spin, NEWS). We summarize the articles into digestiable bites and send you five of these important stories in an email every weekday. If you want to know more – voilá – you can click through to the full article! We just take the time-consuming part of finding the articles off your hands.

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Basic income sweden

and other large and diverse nations or regions? Key words: Sweden, basic income, welfare state, Swedish Model. Photograph: Guenter Artinger/EPA. Basic income was debated in Sweden in the 1970s and 1980s, mostly thanks to influences from abroad, Samtal om basinkomst, Lund – Måndag 8 februari. of trials already taking place in places like California and Sweden. 538 views; 1 year ago. Jan 24, 2017 Around the world, governments and nonprofit organizations are discovering through basic income trials what happens when you give people Jun 5, 2016 Voters in Switzerland overwhelmingly reject a plan to introduce a guaranteed basic income […]



| Universal Basic Income – Another Angry Voice.

Whether it is because of a sense of guilt at the upheavals they are causing in society or simply a celebration of innovative thinking, some Silicon Valley entrepreneurs have taken to the idea of a universal basic income, describing it as a “digital dividend”. History of basic income. A Basic Income for children aged 0-4 of £4,290 for the first child and £3,387 for other children aged 0-4. This is comparable to the benefits available to low-income households before the child begins school. There would be a reduction in the Basic […]

Basic Income And How We Can Make It Happen

Guy Standing (SOAS)

Guy Standing will talk about his new book ‘Basic Income: And How We Can Make It Happen’, in which he adresses questions such as: Shouldn’t everyone receive a stake in society’s wealth? Could we create a fairer world by granting a guaranteed income to all? What would this mean for our health, wealth and happiness?
Basic Income is a regular cash transfer from the state, received by all individual citizens. It is an acknowledgement that everyone plays a part in generating the wealth currently enjoyed only by a few. Political parties across the world are now […]

Stockton Awarded $1 Million Grant to Study Guaranteed Basic Income

Stockton Awarded $1 Million Grant to Study Guaranteed Basic Income

Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs and the Reinvent South Stockton Coalition have won a $1 million foundational grant designed to help demonstrate the benefits of a guaranteed basic income.

Guaranteed basic income is a concept relatively unknown in the U.S., despite pilot programs being underway in Finland and Canada. What it means at its simplest is that citizens get a certain amount of money each month to spend how they see fit, with the dual purpose of stimulating the economy while simultaneously increasing individual financial security.

Both Mayor Tubbs and the Economic Security Project, which is the basic income advocacy group that […]

Why declinism, while often tempting, is usually wrong

There is so much good stuff in the Aeon piece “Why the idea that the world is in terminal decline is so dangerous” by Princeton’s Jeremy Adelman. Many of the systemic errors made by gloom-and-doomers in the past really seem to parallel what is happening today. The inability to see incremental advances. (Like the steady decline in joblessness.) Either-or thinking. (Tax cuts are the difference between a future of sunlit uplands or a thousand of years of darkness!) Being enraptured by sweeping solutions. (Scrap the tax code! Time for a universal basic income!)

From the piece: Declinisms share some traits. […]

Is AP turning a blind eye to illegal shrimp rearing?

Is AP turning a blind eye to illegal shrimp rearing?

A saline water pond to cultivate Pacific white shrimp G Sreenivas grows paddy twice every year on his 0.3 hectare (ha) farmland in Dugdurparly village, East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh (AP). But for the past one year, he hasn’t been able to grow anything even though his village lies in the Konaseema region, one of the most fertile plains in the country. The reason: Sreenivas points to an illegal shrimp rearing pond right next to his farm.

The extremely salty water in the pond, while suitable for shrimp rearing or brackish aquaculture, seeps into the soil, reducing its fertility and […]

New Blockchain Tech Concept: Allowing Persons to Receive an Unconditional Basic Income

New Blockchain Tech Concept: Allowing Persons to Receive an Unconditional Basic Income

A team of Russian developers who has successfully implemented several IT projects in the past, recently launched the BIG.Foundation platform. The platform is a project based on the blockchain technology concept, allowing any person to receive unconditional basic income, regardless of their social status, age, gender, status, etc.

The concept of unconditional main income (UMI) for an ordinary person is obviously attractive: every user of the system receives regular payments of a certain amount of money from the country or another institution.

The concept itself has been known since the 16th century. For the existence of an unconditional basic income (UBI), […]

Detaching the case for a basic income from post-scarcity nonsense

Detaching the case for a basic income from post-scarcity nonsense

A popular argument for the introduction of a Universal Basic Income is that it will become necessary in the face of increasing automation. As machines can perform ever more tasks, the demand for human labour will fall, inevitably resulting in increasing unemployment. Taken to a purported logical conclusion, at some point the economy can be entirely automated removing the need for work entirely even as cheap mass production continues, resulting in post-scarcity . Without some other major reform, such as Universal Basic Services, proponents suggest a UBI is necessary to ensure everyone can have their needs met in a […]

MP calls for U-turn on key pension freedoms rule

MP calls for U-turn on key pension freedoms rule

By Maria Espadinha The chair of the influential work and pensions select committee has called for the creation of a minimum income requirement for people to be able to withdraw all of their retirement fund via pension freedoms, to prevent people claiming state benefits if they run out of money.

Such a move would essentially be a reversal of rules introduced two years ago which gave people total access to their nest eggs to do with as they want.

Frank Field said today (1 November) at a hearing in Westminster that he always supported the drawdown system introduced with pension freedoms […]