Is Andhra Pradesh turning a blind eye to illegal shrimp rearing?

Is Andhra Pradesh turning a blind eye to illegal shrimp rearing?

In the past few years, thousands of illegal shrimp rearing ponds have come up in East Godavari district, damaging fertilie soil and groundwater A saline water pond to cultivate Pacific white shrimp (Photos: Vikas Choudhary) G SREENIVAS GROWS paddy twice every year on his 0.3 hectare (ha) farmland in Dugdurparly village, East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh (AP). But for the past one year, he hasn’t been able to grow any¬thing even though his village lies in the Konaseema region, one of the most fertile plains in the country. The reason: Sreenivas points to an illegal shrimp rearing pond right […]

Retirement incomes still 27% lower than 2008 level

Retirement incomes still 27% lower than 2008 level

A new report by Moneyfacts has revealed that while the total amount of money being saved into personal pensions may now have surpassed the pre-financial crisis high, the retirement incomes that are being delivered are still 27% lower than in 2008, so retirees continue to lose out in real terms. Significantly lower incomes

According to estimates from HMRC, personal pension contributions surpassed their 2007/08 peak in the 2015/16 tax year, while personal pension membership is also at a record high. Yet while this initially sounds good news, the latest Moneyfacts UK Personal Pension Trends Treasury Report revealed that […]

Citizenship, the Nation State and Universal Basic Income: Scenarios in Art, Architecture, Anthropology and Sociology

Symposium with Christopher Kulendran Thomas & Annika Kuhlmann, James Holston, Jennifer Mack and Roland Paulsen, moderator Maria Lind

Time: Wed 2017-11-15 14.00 – 21.00
Location: Tensta KonsthallLanguage: English Free and open to all How could citizenship be reconceived in an age of globally accelerated dislocation but also in localized insurgence in the context of global urbanization? Given diminishing public confidence in many existing political institutions, what is the role of technology enabling alternative forms of societal organisation to develop beyond national borders? How does notions of work and the phenomenon of universal basic income play into this? […]

Guaranteed income … -all-in-BC

I cannot believe the brain dead NDP are still considering this sort of failed social experiment! I mean seriously….why get a job,why get an education if the gov’t pays you to stay at home with enhanced welfare?
Is not a guaranteed wage of 15 buck an hr not enough to motivate people to get off the couch and contribute?
It also sounds rather counter intuitive to raise the min wage to 15 and also look to a min guaranteed income me thinks. I guess it won’t be long before 90% of us can just stay home […]

A basic income for everyone? Yes, Finland shows it really can work

A basic income for everyone? Yes, Finland shows it really can work

In a speck of a village deep in the Finnish countryside, a man gets money for free. Each month, almost €560 (£500) is dropped into his bank account, with no strings attached. The cash is his to use as he wants. Who is his benefactor? The Helsinki government. The prelude to a thriller, perhaps, or some reality TV. But Juha Järvinen’s story is ultimately more exciting. He is a human lab rat in an experiment that could help to shape the future of the west.

Last Christmas, Järvinen was selected by the state as one of 2,000 unemployed people for […]

“Solidarity” or “Unconditional” Basic Income ?: “Dare Men the Freedom!” – Politics

Proponents of an unconditional basic income criticize the proposal of Berlin’s Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) for a "solidarity basic income". He had suggested in a guest contribution for the Tagesspiegel, "which is not possible because of state funds today": "Bulky waste disposal, cleaning of parks, planting of green areas, accompanying and shopping services for people with disabilities, babysitting for single parents" as well as honorary activities in the future "Pay with the many budgeted in Sozialetats money from the managing employment agencies – there is" enough to do ".Michael Bohmeyer, whose association" My Basic Income "regularly funded a one-year […]

Basic income vs welfare

What the United States has now is just a strange combination of dozens of different programs, Sep 9, 2016 Scott Santens is a writer and basic income advocate with a crowdfunded monthly basic income. How about giving up the them vs. A Universal Basic Income stimulates demand far more effectively than any tax cut. Basic income is akin to a vaccine, or a strategy of fire prevention versus Jun 1, 2016 The idea of universal basic income sounds extravagant, right? to overcome their general distaste for government welfare to support the idea. . How is it different from normal […]

universal basic income

################# Harvest Tweets about Universal basic income ############### # load packages library(twitteR) library(ROAuth) library(ggplot2) library(lubridate) ## ## Attaching package: ‘lubridate’ ## The following object is masked from ‘package:base’: ## ## date library(scales) library(tm) ## Loading required package: NLP ## ## Attaching package: ‘NLP’ ## The following object is masked from ‘package:ggplot2’: ## ## annotate library(stringr) library(wordcloud) ## Loading required package: RColorBrewer library(syuzhet) ## ## Attaching package: ‘syuzhet’ ## The following object is masked from ‘package:scales’: ## ## rescale library(reshape2) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: ‘dplyr’ ## The following objects are masked from ‘package:lubridate’: ## ## intersect, setdiff, union ## […]

B.C. government’s poverty reduction plan could include a basic income

B.C. government's poverty reduction plan could include a basic income

Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction Shane Simpson is joined by UNBC chair Dawn Hemingway, (left), and Parliamentary Secretary and co-chair Mable Elmore to discuss details of an advisory forum on poverty reduction in Victoria, B.C., on Oct. 30, 2017. (THE CANADIAN PRESS / Chad Hipolito) VICTORIA — British Columbia is planning to introduce a pilot program that would give some residents a basic income in what will be part of a series of legislative strategies to fight poverty, the minister in charge said Monday.

Poverty Reduction Minister Shane Simpson said his government wants to test the effectiveness of […]

Capitalism ‘a success’, but things must change – economist

Capitalism 'a success', but things must change - economist

Prof Hazeldine says the proof of capitalism’s success is in its longevity. Credits: The AM Show An economics expert says capitalism has not been "a blatant failure" as new Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern suggests – but agrees changes must be made to narrow the wealth gap.

University of Auckland economics professor Timothy Hazeldine says capitalism’s longevity in New Zealand and throughout the western world means it’s a success.

But he told The AM Show on Tuesday plenty has gone wrong within our own system, and says Labour has a challenge to fix housing and welfare issues."I think [Labour is] pretty happy […]