B.C. to launch consultations on provincial poverty reduction

B.C. to launch consultations on provincial poverty reduction

Open this photo in gallery: Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction Shane Simpson speaks at a news conference in Victoria on Oct. 30, 2017. The B.C. government is studying Ontario’s experiment with basic income – but it will not wait for the results before launching its own trial as part of a new poverty-reduction plan.

This spring, Ontario began a pilot project with 4,000 randomly chosen residents in three cities to test the merits of a publicly funded basic-income guarantee for the poor.

The goal is to reduce poverty by ensuring that individuals and families have enough money to live […]

Insanity! Stockton, CA To Give $500 To Residents As “Basic Income”

Online That’s because you don’t know anything about driving a truck.

If I see an asshole speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and he’s headed towards my lane, I have to be proactive enough to give him enough room before he cuts me off. These idiots will cut in front of a truck with three or four feet to spare and slam on the brakes to get off on their exit. A computer can’t spot an asshole. That takes a human being with experience, and trucks can’t stop as fast as a car.

If I see […]

Let’s get it on!

Let’s get it on!

MUCH attention has been given to the war on illegal drugs. And it has framed this administration negatively throughout its first 16 months in office. Talk is going around too that the Marawi siege was a Central Intelligence Agency operation. If indeed it was, then we have the first botched attempt in history because Duterte remains in power.

In Marawi, we saw huge resources introduced into the local economy and the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) has not even reported where the money came from. The defense department claims it came from IS but the paper trail has not been presented […]

Checking Out the Fundamental Data for Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM)

Checking Out the Fundamental Data for Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM)

Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM) seems to be forming a pattern of major movements, providing only some crumbs of outlook for market participants trying to figure out its next move. Now trading with a market value of 357.53B, the company has a mix of catalysts and obstacles that spring from the nature of its operations. As the day-to-day narrative ebbs and flows for this company, it is more important than ever to step back and get a bird’s eye view of the fundamental reality under the surface of this story.

Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally a […]

CMV: I don’t think basic income goes far enough.

CMV: I don't think basic income goes far enough.

Automation is a big topic that comes up in every college ethics CS class (I just took it last semester), and most of the discussions veers towards blue collar unemployment caused by automation, what people would actually do in a society where machines do a lot for everyone already, and of course, increasing wealth inequality as a result and the need for basic income.

But I feel that the biggest problem is not the 1% having most of the wealth , but rather the fact that they likely would control the vast majority of the technology that society relies on.

Today, […]

CHINA: UNDP holds basic income roundtable in Beijing

CHINA: UNDP holds basic income roundtable in Beijing

In a sign of the major progress Universal Basic Income (UBI) has made in Asia, the United Nations Development Program in Beijing hosted a roundtable discussion on basic income last week. Professors from China’s most influential universities spoke at the roundtable about the potential for a basic income pilot program in China.

Patrick Haverman is the UNDP Deputy Country Director for China. Haverman said he wants to work with academia and government to determine if basic income experiments in different areas of China are feasible.

“With the Sustainable Development Goals firmly focused on the need to ‘leave no one behind’, careful […]

Stockton California To Try Universal Basic Income At $500 Per Month

Stockton California To Try Universal Basic Income At $500 Per Month

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Universal Basic Income: a ridiculous idea?

It is one of the most completely ridiculous ideas I have heard in a long time Bjarni Benediktsson, Iceland Finance Minister

The idea of a Universal Basic Income has made a brief appearance on this blog and a book has recently been published which explores the idea in some detail and tackles the many misgivings and criticisms people have about the idea. But first, some context …

The neoliberal experiment stumbles on and the parlous state of our economy grows ever worse. The prospect in a few days of higher interest rates – although likely to be only a […]

Government ups ante on linking Aadhaar to bank accounts

Government ups ante on linking Aadhaar to bank accounts

The government made it mandatory to link bank accounts with Aadhaar earlier this year, warning that delinked ones will cease to be operational. NEW DELHI: The government is accelerating the drive to demographically authenticate bank accounts with Aadhaar even as the Supreme Court prepares to hear a batch of petitions this month that challenge making Aadhaar mandatory for social welfare schemes.

The government wants to quickly reach the target of 1 billion Aadhaar-seeded accounts that are also demographically authenticated. Such accounts could be used to deliver benefits such as comprehensive social security. “This could also be the backbone in case […]


Giving everyone a universal basic income is the best way to democratize the economy and give workers leverage in the workplace.

This is from a FEDERAL JOB GUARANTEE (FJG) article, “searched & replaced” “FJG” with “UBI”, corrects the misunderstandings and intentionally false information regarding UBI, and shows how the entire paper is actually about UBI’s benefits originally used to argue for a FJG: Universal basic income (UBI), an annual government -sponsored payment to all citizens , has been gaining traction across the American political landscape. Andy Stern, former Service Employees International Union president , believes the program will counteract […]