Basic income can’t be ignored: Vatican expert

Basic income can’t be ignored: Vatican expert

Catholics must promote policies that reduce poverty, promote social mobility, and result in distributive justice, Vatican economic adviser Charles Clark told a Toronto audience Oct. 20. (Michael Swan / CCN) TORONTO (CCN)—A basic income guarantee, such as the pilot project currently running in three Ontario communities, is not an infallible teaching of the Catholic Church, but it can’t be dismissed, one of the Vatican’s top economic advisors told an interfaith conference on basic income.

“There’s no Catholic economic policy,” conceded economist Charles Clark in a keynote address to about 40 academics and basic income advocates at the University of St. […]

Liberal Democrats must be radical now

Liberal Britain must be neither a country of entrenched privilege riding over the less fortunate, nor a nanny state shepherding and corralling its people. Liberal Democrats stand for liberty, the freedom of every individual to make their own decisions about how best to live their lives. We trust people to pursue their dreams, to make the most of their talents and to live their lives as they wish, free from a controlling, intrusive state and a stifling conformity; a free and open society that glories in diversity. That statement of our principles contained in the Agenda 2020 party consultation […]

Solidarial Basic Income: Shared Echo on Mueller Advance – Politics

Solidarial Basic Income: Shared Echo on Mueller Advance – Politics

The demand of Berlin’s governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) after the introduction of a solidarity basic income meets a divided echo. SPD Federal Minister Ralf Stegner welcomed the proposal: "Müller wants to improve solidarity security systems. I find this supportable, "he said to the Tagesspiegel. The SPD should now discuss details. Gregor Gysi, the Berlin left-wing delegate of the Left, and President of the European Left, also expressed his approval. "A solid foundation without sanctions – not an unconditional one" is urgently needed, "Gysi said. "I hope Michael Müller will convince the majority of the Federal Council and then […]

City Giving Residents ‘Free Money’ With No Strings Attached In Test Of Guaranteed Income

City Giving Residents 'Free Money' With No Strings Attached In Test Of Guaranteed Income

Stockton, CA – An experimental program in Stockton proposed by the mayor would give all residents free cash in the amount of $500 per month, with no strings attached.

The concept known as Universal Basic Income (UBI) has been around a long time, according to KTLA .

27-year-old Michael Tubbs, mayor of Stockton, is embracing the idea. He said that his mother worked long hours when he was growing up but was about $300 short each month.Tubbs said that his mother would borrow money from cash-checking places just to get by.He said, "If we had $300 a month, life would be […]

Your pension and rising rates: how to capture the highest possible income for life

Your pension and rising rates: how to capture the highest possible income for life

Pensioners’ annuity incomes plunge by 37pc in eight years View article All things point to a rise in the Bank Rate – and savings and annuity rates are already creeping up in anticipation. Anyone who wants to buy an annuity, an insurance contract that pays an income for life, with their pension pot will be desperate to avoid “buyers’ remorse”: buying now and then regretting it if rates improve.

There are several practical ways in which annuity buyers can reduce this risk. They could buy a “fixed-term” annuity ; they could wait until rates rise (and they age); or they […]

7 reasons in favour of universal basic income – is Britain ready?

7 reasons in favour of universal basic income - is Britain ready?

The concept of universal basic income – an unconditional payment for all in a society – is one that goes back centuries, but what are the main arguments in its favour? 1. Automation

As more and more jobs become automated – that is they are done by machines rather than humans – the main benefiters will be those who own the machines while human workers will face mass unemployment. Why pay staff to serve tables in restaurants when it becomes cheap enough for robots to do the same job and not get tired? Why pay cab drivers when […]

Top Ten Arguments for a Basic Income

A basic income can be divided into two groups: a Guaranteed Minimum Income, otherwise known as a negative income tax, or a Universal Basic Income. A GMI would ensure that there is a base floor on wages. So, for instance, let’s say we have a floor of 12k. This means that no one can make less than 12k. If they do, they receive money until their income reaches 12k. A Universal Basic Income means that everyone, no matter their income, receives 12k.

More and more economists are embracing a basic income. Many conservatives, libertarians, and liberals have expressed their support […]

Annuities – Guaranteed Income – For Life October 28, 2017

Annuities - Guaranteed Income - For Life October 28, 2017

Guaranteed Income – For Life

For most retirees these days, maximizing the amount of income they can safely take out of their portfolio is the most important financial objective. It’s the one thing that makes everything else possible. Being able to enjoy time with grandchildren, take time out to enjoy golf or travel, secure your nest egg against the need for long term care – it all hinges on your ability to convert your retirement nest egg to an income that will last you and your spouse a lifetime.

Some advisors rely on mutual funds and a tool called "Monte […]

Stockton, CA To Give $500 To Residents As “Basic Income”

Stockton, CA To Give $500 To Residents As “Basic Income”

Attention meth heads, crack addicts, homeless, and those too lazy to get a job: Stockton, California mayor Michael Tubbs wants to give you “free” money just for living in the city.

Attention meth dealers, crack dealers, liquor store entrepreneurs, and other people who like to sell stuff to stupid people: Stockton, California mayor Michael Tubbs wants to give you money via residents that he’ll be giving “free” money to.

The recently announced plan would give $500 to residents of the city, which about an hour south of Sacramento and an hour east of San Francisco. It is now is the trial […]

A strong Canadian economy provides opportunity for growth in the North

A strong Canadian economy provides opportunity for growth in the North

Hon. Bob Nault making announcement on Fednor Funding By Bob Nault MP – Kenora Week of October 30, 2017

Kenora – POLITICS – When Canadians succeed, together we build a better future. The 2017 Fall Economic Statement was released last week and it detailed the progress demonstrating that Canada’s economy is not only growing, but outperforming expectations. In fact, Canada has the fastest growing economy of all G7 countries.

While there is still much more to be done, particularly in rural Canada and in Northern Ontario, the economic update demonstrates that we are on the right path as long as […]