Beyond Temptation: Addiction and Basic Income

Beyond Temptation: Addiction and Basic Income

One of the persistent criticisms of the Universal Basic Income is that it would either entice people to purchase addictive substances, such as alcohol, or enable existing addictions through the added cash benefit. Dr. Katarzyna Gajewska, an independent scholar researching the UBI, has studied this question in the past. Her unique insights deserve further exploration. I recently had the opportunity to interview Katarzyna on the subject.

In the interview, Katarzyna discussed her conclusion that it is “improbable” that a UBI would cause someone to become an addict. She believes that “abrupt measures,” such as taking away an individual’s basic income […]

Why Basic Income Should Be Lib Dem Policy

Why Basic Income Should Be Lib Dem Policy

Over the last 70 years, an inexorable long-term structural change has taken place in the economy. Source: ONS, defining ‘labour income’= wages + self-employed earnings It’s very clear that aggregate ‘labour income’ (=wages + self-employed earnings) has declined compared to consumer expenditure, with a turning point in 1995, such that

> From 1948 to 1995, labour income exceeded consumer expenditure.

From 1995 to 2016, consumer expenditure now increasingly exceeds labour income. By 2016, labour income only funded 86% of consumer expenditure. 14% of consumer expenditure was funded by unearned income. This trend is structural, long-term, and inevitable. Its most […]

Citizens Basic Income: an idea whose time has come

Citizens Basic Income: an idea whose time has come

​Maddy Halliday explains what Citizen’s Basic Income is – and how it would work Citizen’s Basic Income (CBI), also known as Universal Basic Income, refers to an unconditional, non-withdrawable income payable by the state to every individual as a right of citizenship.

CBI would support children, adults of working age and retired adults with variations in the level of CBI for these age groups.

It would need to be complemented by a living wage for people in paid work; additional support for those unable to meet essential housing costs; and additional support for disabled people.CBI would complement other universal and vital […]

Citizens Basic Income: why here, and why now?

Citizens Basic Income: why here, and why now?

​Calls for a Citizens Basic Income are gaining ground – Dr Benjamin Simmons looks at why When The Fairer Fife Commission released Fairness Matters in November of 2015 with its shock recommendation of a basic income pilot it started a chain reaction of conversations which led to the announcement last month of the Scottish Government’s decision to fund a feasibility study.

At the same time as the release of the Fife publication we were setting up Citizen’s Basic Income Network Scotland (which would be formally established in February 2016) with the intention of fighting an uphill battle to raise awareness […]

FCA: 2017 sees highest H1 SIPP sales

FCA: 2017 sees highest H1 SIPP sales

The first six months of 2017 has seen the highest self-invested personal pension (SIPP) sales of any January-June period, according to the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) latest data.

Almost 470,000 SIPP products were sold in the first half of this year, 12% more than the corresponding period in 2016 and more than any H1 period in years gone by.

Despite record H1 sales, the second quarter of this calendar year saw lower SIPP sales than the first. Some 228,557 SIPPs were sold in Q2, according to the regulator, a 5% decrease on the record quarterly sales of 241,413 seen between January […]

Salinan among many seeking governor’s job

Salinan among many seeking governor’s job


Robert Klingenberg believes it’s the things that make him like everybody else that will make him stand out in the race for Kansas governor.

The 27-year-old Salina native, who filed his intent earlier this month with the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission to raise funds, said he knows what it’s like to work for a living, and he wants to help make life easier for the men and women of the state’s workforce.“I go to work every day and come home to be with my family,” he said. “I’m a person who wants to represent everybody who does that — […]

Retirees who cash in their pension… and blow it on alcohol and gambling: Fears some are exploiting new rules allowing over-55s to take their money

Retirees who cash in their pension... and blow it on alcohol and gambling: Fears some are exploiting new rules allowing over-55s to take their money

Fears were raised last night that some retirees are splurging their pensions on alcohol and gambling binges before falling back on the state for help.

MPs were told that there is evidence that some people are exploiting new rules that allow the over-55s to cash in their entire pensions.

A written submission to the Commons Work and Pensions Committee claims that five individuals have exhausted their pots in a matter of months – and then claimed benefits. Five pensioners managed to spend their entire life’s savings within months of retiring, with one engineer blowing £120,000 on a car, gambling and drink […]

Gis supplement calculator

Disclaimer: This Guaranteed Income Supplement ( GIS ) is a non- taxable benefit paid to low- Outlays on public retirement benefits in Canada amount to about 4. ca – Guaranteed income supplement (GIS) for Canadian OAS The amount of GIS payable depends on marital status and total income for the prior year Learn about the Guaranteed Income Supplement. Find out if you are eligible, how to apply, and how to report your GIS amount when you file your income tax Aug 10, 2017 That’s the Guaranteed Income Supplement or GIS: a supplement to . Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) and […]

How Universal Basic Income may hurt those it seeks to help

How Universal Basic Income may hurt those it seeks to help



TwitterVkontakteOdnoklassnikiThe idea of tackling inequality by paying all citizens a regular sum of money, irrespective of their financial situation, often referred to as a Universal Basic Income (UBI), is increasingly in vogue. Touted as a way to boost consumer spending, and as a mechanism that could help redistribute the wealth created by machines as jobs are lost to automation, it is yet to be tested on a truly grand scale in a developed country. But that might change, and soon. Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s First Minister, announced plans for trials of a Citizen’s Basic Income in Fife and Glasgow at […]

How Universal Basic Income may hurt those it seeks to help

How Universal Basic Income may hurt those it seeks to help

A Scottish Citizens Basic Income could cost an additional £12.3bn a year Credit: Heathcliff O’Malley The idea of tackling inequality by paying all citizens a regular sum of money, irrespective of their financial situation, often referred to as a Universal Basic Income (UBI), is increasingly in vogue.

Touted as a way to boost consumer spending, and as a mechanism that could help redistribute the wealth created by machines as jobs are lost to automation, it is yet to be tested on a truly grand scale in a developed country.

But that might change, and soon. Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s First Minister, announced […]