Universal basic income and correspondence with Scottish Greens: FOI release

FOI reference: FOI/17/02092
Date received: 17 September 2017 Information requested

Information on ‘any policy work undertaken by the Scottish Government into universal basic income and any correspondence with the Scottish Greens and the Common Weal on this.’ Response
I enclose a copy of most of the information you requested.While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance some information has been redacted from the enclosed Ministerial briefing on Citizens Basic Income because an exemption under section 29(1)(a) (policy formulation), of FOISA applies to that information. The reasons why that exemption applies are explained below. Reasons for […]

3 years ago, Stockton, California, was bankrupt. Now it’s trying out a basic income.

3 years ago, Stockton, California, was bankrupt. Now it's trying out a basic income.

Next year, a random sample of the 300,000 residents of Stockton, a port city in California’s Central Valley, will get $500 per month ($6,000 a year) with no strings attached.

It’s the latest test of a policy known as basic income , funded not out of city revenues but by individual and foundation philanthropy. The first $1 million in funding comes from the Economic Security Project, a pro-basic income advocacy and research group co-chaired and bankrolled by Facebook co-founder and former New Republic publisher Chris Hughes. Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs hopes to launch the basic income project as early as […]

Nicola Sturgeon’s plans to give everyone in Scotland a basic income would cost £12BILLION a year and lead to huge tax hikes according to her Government’s own analysis

Nicola Sturgeon’s plans to give everyone in Scotland a basic income would cost £12BILLION a year and lead to huge tax hikes according to her Government’s own analysis

NICOLA Sturgeon’s plans to give everyone in Scotland a basic income would cost £12BILLION a year and lead to huge tax hikes – according to analysis by her own Government.

A paper prepared by civil servants for the First Minister is warning people would face a colossal 50 per cent increase in the income tax rate to fund the idea – which is unlikely to be accepted anyway.
Reuters Nicola Sturgeon’s plans to give everyone in Scotland a basic income would cost £12bn a year
It comes after Ms Sturgeon revealed a Citizens Basic Income (CBI) would be trialled by […]

Sturgeon knew citizen’s income plans would cost £12.3bn before launching pilot

Sturgeon knew citizen’s income plans would cost £12.3bn before launching pilot

Nicola Sturgeon pressed ahead with plans to trial a basic income for everyone – despite civil servant briefings showing her it would cost taxpayers £12.3 billion a year.

Documents obtained by the Scottish Conservatives through Freedom of Information have revealed the briefing on Citizen’s Basic Income (CBI) handed to the First Minister in March.

It warned the plans would cost billions extra every year, and lead to every income tax payer in the country having to cough up a rate of 50 per cent.The briefing stated: “It is a very costly policy that is unlikely to gain public acceptability and ultimately […]

Why Universal Basic Income Is a Pipe Dream

Why Universal Basic Income Is a Pipe Dream

There are so many better ways to help people out of poverty.

One future-related proposal getting a lot of attention nowadays is the Universal Basic Income. The idea is to give everybody some money every month — typically something like $1,000 a month. That is not enough for everybody to live luxuriously, but enough for everybody to get by without needing to work. Supporters say it’s needed because the robots will take all the jobs, plus they hope it will raise entrepreneurship. While others say robots are a false alarm, that we’ll have a surplus of jobs so why pay […]

FCA report points to significant confusion about retirement options

FCA report points to significant confusion about retirement options

Many consumers are not well-informed on decisions they make about their income in retirement and are baffled by many aspects of the process, according to a report by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The report Understanding the financial lives of UK adults pointed to some alarming data on how uninformed and baffling many consumers find pensions.

It found 3% of all UK adults did not know if they had a private pension provision or not, and of those aged over 50 without a pension, 10% had never considered why they did not have one.The report also found some six million people, […]

Money for nothing? Why a universal basic income.

Money for nothing? Why a universal basic income.

‘What would you do if your income was taken care of?’

It’s a compelling question that gained worldwide attention when a pro-Universal Basic Income group in Switzerland unveiled a 8000 square metre poster in the middle of Geneva asking just this. The basic premise of UBI is that it should fall to government to provide a fixed living wage to all people regardless of income, job title, or inheritance — but adjusted for age — to secure the necessities of life. Not only to help cope with change, but to abolish poverty all together.

The idea has a rare bipartisan support. […]

Post-Prison Blues: Breaking the Recidivism Crisis with Basic Income

Post-Prison Blues: Breaking the Recidivism Crisis with Basic Income

Based on my personal work experience in our social welfare system, if one wished to acquire a mental illness , the surest way to do so would be to enter our nation’s prison system. While the topic of prison reform has slowly begun to gain traction versus the “tough on crime” rhetoric that has dominated the politics of crime and punishment since the 1960s, the task of creating a prison system that, while a sufficient deterrant to crime, doesn’t strip a human of their God-given rights remains a necessary task in search of a solution . The cost of […]

Nicola Sturgeon’s Universal Income is costed at £12.3bn

Nicola Sturgeon’s Universal Income is costed at £12.3bn

Nicola Sturgeon intends to consider a basic income for all. Introducing a citizens’ income for everyone in Scotland would cost the public purse an extra £12.3 billion per year and lead to punitive income tax rises, official analysis has revealed.

A paper prepared by Scottish Government civil servants for First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has warned that taxpayers could face an income tax rate of 50 per cent across all bands to fund the scheme.

The analysis also suggests that the tax-free personal allowance would have to be removed in order to pay for the multi-billion pound scheme to give […]

The Exchanges Podcast – E04 – NFL Protests + UN Summit + Basic Income + US Education System

THIS PODCAST: NFL Protests + UN Summit + Basic Income + US Education System

Going Live. Show Info @4:33
The skinny on the Trumps Alabama NFL Protests Speech. Luther Strange @5:29
Introductions @7:26 Elephant in the Room: NFL Protests. Dave starts us off. Mastermind Trump. @8:24 Kyles take Are we surprised? Nice People vs SOBs @9:34 Linda and Trump stirring the pot @10:28 Savannah on Trumps Strategy @11:10 Trump, Genius? @11:40 Brent: Auto-pilot Trump. @12:19 Kwakus thoughts on Trump saying anything @13:34 Eds thoughts on the NFL speech @14:36 What the hell was that noise??? @15:22 Dave: An underestimated Trump […]