State of World Population 2017 report launched

State of World Population 2017 report launched

By Patience Gbeze/Emmanuel Donkor, GNA

Accra, Oct. 17, GNA – The State of World Population 2017 report launched concurring globally suggested a 10-point actions to help nations to bridge the inequality gap between the poor and the rich in society.

The 136-pqge document, launched by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) was entitled “World Apart: Reproductive health and rights in an age of inequality”.The report called on nations to tear down barriers that prevent adolescent girls and young women from accessing sexual and reproductive health information and services.It also called for the need to meet all unmet needs for family […]

Universal Basic Services or Universal Basic Income?

Universal Basic Services or Universal Basic Income?

Every day, the stories mount up of the impending disaster that is Universal Credit: Ian Duncan-Smith’s Frankenstein offspring of tax credits. Simultaneously, persistent low pay, job insecurity, millions of households dipping in and out of poverty and a cycle of insecure work and insecure lives is now a constant. Even without considering potential impacts of automation, robots, and AI, it is clear that the social contract between citizen, state and market is failing. So new ideas are at a premium. The one idea that has captured the imagination of advocates and critics alike is Universal Basic Income. At its […]

Explore these ideas and more!

Explore these ideas and more!

Universal Basic Income is not feasible for India – Livemint India India Map Of India Curry Spirituality Maps Coloring Politics Inside Places India Political map shows all the states and union territories of India along with their capital cities. political map of India is made clickable to provide you with the in-depth information on India. See More Future Of India Poverty In India Poor Children Child Labour India India Slums Raise The Dead Kofi Annan Indian Poverty In India. India considers the poor and people living in poverty… See More Mass com & Journalism Study Material for CBSE UGC […]

Why Basic Income Alone will Not be a Panacea to Social Insecurity – LSE

Why Basic Income Alone will Not be a Panacea to Social Insecurity – LSE

Universal Basic Income . Photo credit: planeta Neil Warner, Frederick Harry Pitts, and Lorena Lombardozzi explain why a successful implementation of a basic income will require a wider and more radical intervention in the economy.

A great deal of recent commentary and discussion suggests that Universal Basic Income (UBI) is an idea whose time has come. Although hundreds of years old as a proposal, it is probably the
subject of more attention and mainstream interest now than it has ever been. Forms of UBI are being proposed, discussed and even experimented with both by the right and the left. But […]

Panel held to discuss the future of public policy and the Universal Basic Income

Panel held to discuss the future of public policy and the Universal Basic Income

(Katherine Mayo/ Daily Collegian) The University of Massachusetts hosted a panel to discuss the benefits and consequences of implementing a universal basic income (UBI) on Monday, Oct. 16.

Held in the Commonwealth Honors College, the event was introduced by Nicholas Xenos, UMass political science professor, director of the Amherst Program in Critical Theory and moderator of the event. A discussion and Q&A session with the panelists followed.

The panel was comprised of Connie Razza, Co-Director of Policy and Research for Demos, a public policy organization, Elizabeth Rhodes, Research Director at Y Combinator Research and Seth Ackerman, Executive Editor of Jacobin Magazine.In […]

PORTUGAL: Basic Income Gets a Boost of Interest from the Media

PORTUGAL: Basic Income Gets a Boost of Interest from the Media

After the 17th BIEN Conference in Lisbon, Portugal had a boost of interest from the media on Basic Income. There were many articles in the mainstream media, TV, Radio and Newspapers and the debate is continuing.

The main Portuguese public TV station, RTP 1 , had a very interesting piece in the news, including interviews with Philippe Van Parijs and Scottish MP Ronnie Cowan: Other TV pieces include a segment in the show, Tudo é Ecomonia (Economy is Everything):the section starts around minute 28 and is called Choque de Ideias, it is a debate between Ricardo Pais Mamede and Ricardo […]

Scots MP presses Philip Hammond to look at basic income scheme

Scots MP presses Philip Hammond to look at basic income scheme

Inverclyde’s SNP MP Ronnie Cowan has called on the Chancellor to follow the Scottish Government’s lead A SCOTTISH MP has asked Chancellor Philip Hammond to look seriously at the idea of a universal basic income.

The SNP MP for Inverclyde, Ronnie Cowan, has written to Hammond asking him to follow the lead of the Scottish Government and use next month’s Budget to fund research into the feasibility of paying everyone in the country a citizen’s income.

Last month, in her Programme for Government, Nicola Sturgeon announced plans to look into such a scheme, which would see all Scots, regardless of how […]

5) Universal Basic Income, is a magic wand for welfare but may require several customisations for the Indian context. Comment.

Universal Basic income is a concept in which a certain amount of money government will provide annually to every citizen of the country. This concept is being adopted from European countries like norway.

UBI have several Benefit-
– ensure atleast a minimum income
– it is better then subsidies as the person can utilize this amount as per his choice. – allow poor person to think beyond daily firefighting- he can put its energy in something more valuable. – curb leakage, better targeting of people – policies implementation bottlenecks will get solved. – pull people out of poverty.Issue with […]

Raise Your Hand If You Made These Weird Anti-Jenny Durkan Posters

Raise Your Hand If You Made These Weird Anti-Jenny Durkan Posters

Reward: I will talk with you for a full hour about universal basic income if you just tell me who made these signs. AC

Late last month, one of my colleagues here at the Stranger saw these two posters wheat-pasted to the carapace of the construction project next to our office. And yet still, they haunt me.

To save you the trouble of zooming in and squinting, the all-caps fine print on the Molly Moon / Cary Moon poster reads: Neither Molly Moon Nor Carry [sic] Moon were responsible for paying a convicted child molester $90,000 to maliciously entrap two mentally […]

Sask. small business owner still concerned about tax changes

Sask. small business owner still concerned about tax changes

Spencer Early was one of the business owners participating in a protest against proposed tax changes on Sept. 21, 2017. (Chris Vandenbreekel/650 CKOM) While the federal government has moved to lower taxes on small businesses, some owners remain skeptical on what lies ahead.

Spencer Early owns Early’s Farm and Garden Centre in Saskatoon and is a member of the North Saskatoon Business Association (NSBA). He said while the change is probably good news, he still has concerns.

“They’re basically throwing a carrot out to the business community to look good, but they already look so bad. There’s very little that they […]