Automation will affect one in five jobs across the UK, says study

Automation will affect one in five jobs across the UK, says study

Workers in the constituency of shadow chancellor John McDonnell are at the highest risk of seeing their jobs automated in the looming workplace revolution that will affect at least one in five employees in all parliamentary seats, according to new research.

The thinktank Future Advocacy – which specialises in looking at the big 21st century policy changes – said at least one-fifth of jobs in all 650 constituencies were at high risk of being automated, rising to almost 40% in McDonnell’s west London seat of Hayes and Harlington.

The thinktank’s report also found that the public was largely untroubled by the […]

Income Supplement to Stay

Income Supplement to Stay

Conservative MP Larry Miller says Liberals have listened to outcry about their GIS plans. A Liberal government move to backtrack and reverse changes to the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) comes as welcome news to the MP for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound.

In Question Period last week, the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Jean-Yves Duclos announced officials will be reverting to the guidelines prior to January 2017 for processing GIS payments for couples who have been involuntarily separated.

Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Conservative MP Larry Miller led opposition pressure on the government to reverse course, after a constituent who works as an accountant for […]

PANC2017: Improving Plan Design for Retiring Participants

“Target-date funds [TDFs] may not be appropriate for everyone,” said Clint Barker, senior vice president, retirement investment solutions at PGIM Investments, the asset management group of Prudential, speaking at the “Improving Plan Design for Retiring Participants” panel at the 2017 PLANADVISER National Conference (PANC), Thursday. “Everyone is not the same.”

Helping people approaching retirement “is one of the key questions we spend our time on at Franklin Templeton,” said Tom Waters, senior institutional DC strategist, Franklin Templeton Investments. Helping people retire really means “working with people over age 50 who are thinking about retiring. This group is drastically different from […]

Opinion | What Silicon Valley gets wrong about universal basic income

Opinion | What Silicon Valley gets wrong about universal basic income

Carole Filaire, 37, is unemployed and has been looking for a job for over a year. March 20, 2017, Paris. (Martin Bureau/Getty Images) Kai-Fu Lee is the chairman of Sinovation Ventures and the president of its Artificial Intelligence Institute. He was the founding president of Google China.

BEIJING — According to my estimate,roughly half of all jobs will disappear in the next decade. Routine and mechanical occupations will soon be replaced by artificial intelligence and robots at an unprecedented rate across the globe. This enormous challenge has breathed new life into an old idea called universal basic income, or […]

Robots To Eat All The Jobs? Hackers, Policy Wonks Collaborate On A Basic Income Createathon This Weekend

Robots To Eat All The Jobs? Hackers, Policy Wonks Collaborate On A Basic Income Createathon This Weekend

In the face of rising U.S. income inequality and concerns about job loss to automation, some of Silicon Valley’s best-known names including Y Combinator’s Sam Altman have spoken up in favor of a universal basic income that would give people a baseline standard of living in an economy that may not be able to produce enough decently compensated work for everyone.

A mix of technologists, policy wonks and creatives are trying to kickstart a bigger movement around that idea this coming weekend with a Basic Income Createathon.

“Everyone in the country having jobs is not going to make sense anymore […]

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income…he-u-s-economy Introducing a universal basic income (UBI) would give a huge jolt to the U.S. economy, according to a new analysis, one of the first to consider the wider effects of giving everyone in the United States a regular, unconditional cash payment to meet their everyday needs.

UBI has been winning a lot of supporters recently, notably among tech figures like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. It is often touted as a solution to technological unemployment, though there are plenty of other rationales, including a desire to streamline government and to give individuals more autonomy over how they […]

The Flaw Behind Zuckerberg’s Universal Basic Income Scam

I’m from Facebook and I’m here to help….

Royalty deadbeat Mark Zuckerberg has a new scam that goes way, way beyond “Russian” propaganda. As he told the assembled elites at…where, else…Harvard: Our generation is going to have to deal with tens of millions of jobs replaced by automation like self-driving cars and trucks. But we have the potential to do so much more than that. Stop there for a moment–what exactly does the last “that” refer to? What is its antecedent? The automation, the mass firings…those things that the ruling class would address it self to in its interactions with […]

Universal Basic Income, or Basic Universal Alternative?

The Green Party of England and Wales have just concluded their autumn conference, held this year in the pleasant Yorkshire town of Harrogate. One of the meetings I particularly wanted to take part in was titled “Universal Basic Income. Its time has come”. The main speaker was Guy Standing, someone who has apparently been promoting Basic Income for about thirty years. Although this gives him cause to claim some proprietorial rights for the idea, the Greens’ version of the same thing, known to us as Citizens Income (CI), has been a cornerstone policy for about forty years.

UBI/CI proposes that […]

An alternative view with Rachel Beckett: ‘A fulfilling life can help tackle stress and obesity’

An alternative view with Rachel Beckett: ‘A fulfilling life can help tackle stress and obesity’

An alternative view with Rachel Beckett: ‘A fulfilling life can help tackle stress and obesity’

Columnist Rachel Beckett is a Stroud-based writer and thinker who is concerned about making the world a better place.

An author, publisher and mother, Rachel will be sharing her thoughts with readers every month. Divide and rule.PHILP of Macedon said it first, apparently.It’s often quoted as a joke but it also describes an insidious reality.To divide us is to treat us as cogs in a machine – a machine doing someone else’s bidding.Well oiled cogs perform their specialised function with no influence over, […]

Can Technology Facilitate Democracy? The Case of India

Can Technology Facilitate Democracy? The Case of India

Technology might help countries like India with government services, but it’s no silver bullet for the business of governance. Credit: The Aadhaar project – India’s nationwide, biometrically-supported identity card effort – was a tour de force of innovation and organization. Its purpose was to create a national database that makes it possible to validate the identity of every citizen anytime anywhere in a matter of seconds.

The process was driven forward by the Unique Identification Authority of India, operating under the chairmanship of Nandan Nilekani. He inspired a large network of organizations and individuals to collaborate to provide over […]