Protagonist Therapeutics, Inc. (PTGX): Are There Still Some Opportunities On The Horizon

Protagonist Therapeutics, Inc. (PTGX): Are There Still Some Opportunities On The Horizon

Protagonist Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTGX) seems to be forming a pattern of major movements, providing only some crumbs of outlook for market participants trying to figure out its next move. Now trading with a market value of 271.85M, the company has a mix of catalysts and obstacles that spring from the nature of its operations. As the day-to-day narrative ebbs and flows for this company, it is more important than ever to step back and get a bird’s eye view of the fundamental reality under the surface of this story.

Protagonist Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTGX) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally a […]

Inequality increasing in India; Universal Basic Income better than state subsidy: IMF

Inequality increasing in India; Universal Basic Income better than state subsidy: IMF

Releasing its Fiscal Monitor report on Wednesday, the IMF noted that while global inequality had fallen, especially due to rapid growth of China and India, inequality within countries has increased in large economies – US, India and China.

For India, the IMF said Universal Basic Income (UBI) could be an alternative to the existing system of state subsidies, which are typically characterized as fraught with inefficiencies and inequities. It made a strong case for India adopting a fiscally neutral UBI by eliminating both food and fuel subsidies.

Politically, it opens a new window of opportunity for Narendra Modi government to win […]

Forget a basic income—here’s how Universal Basic Services could fund housing and transport for all

Forget a basic income—here’s how Universal Basic Services could fund housing and transport for all

Nearly 90 years ago, John Maynard Keynes made a much-quoted prediction. In his 1930 essay, Economic Prospects for our Grandchildren , he set out the view that, by 2030, technological progress would have raised productivity so much that people would be able to meet their essential needs in a 15-hour working week.

He was perhaps the first economist to explore the implications of a future of “technological unemployment”. For Keynes, this was a positive development: Freed from the necessity of toil, mankind could devote itself to nobler causes than “detestable” money-making, such as science and the arts.

Well, it hasn’t quite […]

New measures are needed to protect personal income

New measures are needed to protect personal income

via Zurich Insurance Social safety nets to protect income and savings are fraying. Governments, employers, insurers and individuals need to work together to find solutions.

As people live longer, there is greater demand for healthcare and pension provisions, while new technologies are changing the way people work and live. As a result, traditional social protection systems, particularly in developed economies, are coming under increasing pressure and, in many cases, are no longer suited to the changing needs of the people they were designed to serve.

One area where this is increasingly visible is in measures to protect families against loss of […]

New Report Calls on Government to Pay for Housing, Food, Transport, Internet — And Fund with Higher Taxes

New Report Calls on Government to Pay for Housing, Food, Transport, Internet — And Fund with Higher Taxes

A report by a group of London academics calls on the government to nationalise many of the things average citizens will encounter on a typical day — and that radically higher taxes should be levied to pay for the change.

A development of the idea of a universal basic income — based on the idea of a certain amount of money being paid to every citizen regardless of their means or needs — the report by University College London’s Institute for Global Prosperity calls for “Universal Basic Services” to be provided by the government.

Under the plan, “massive” numbers of […]

Elon Musk Unveils Tesla Factory Video to Showcase Full Automation

Elon Musk Unveils Tesla Factory Video to Showcase Full Automation

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has released another video showing the autonomous robots of the Model 3 production line hard at work. Musk is likely hoping to prove the vehicle is not being assembled by hand. Robots Under Pressure

Elon Musk took to Instagram to post another video of Tesla’s team of KUKA industrial robots at work building the Model 3, to showcase Tesla’s focus on automation in its development of electric vehicles. Earlier this week Musk sent out a video of Tesla’s Model 3 assembly line slowed down to 1/10th speed.

The new video, described as, “Stamping Model 3 body […]

Gareth morgan universal basic income

Gareth Morgan March 24, 2016 Tax and Welfare0 Comments New Zealand already has a universal basic income for 686,000 people and it is regarded A universal basic income (or known as UBI) is a fixed and unconditional regular . By Danielle van Dalen. Lots of people like the The latest policy release by TOP leader Gareth Morgan that they would like to introduce a $10,000 pa Universal Basic Income for all New Zealanders, starting A progressive income tax that changes with what you earn does not actually target wealth and makes calculating tax How we pay for a universal […]

aa politics: Basic Income Guarantee ( B.I.G.)

aa politics: Basic Income Guarantee ( B.I.G.)

Here’s Why A Universal Basic Income Is The Key To Human Progress Allemagne Europe Drapeau De L’allemagne Drapeaux Aliments Noël Biscuits De Noël News Germany Flag Art German Government Cognitive Dissonance We invite you to join and support the movement for a Basic Income Guarantee for all. L’éthique Du Travail Choixpeau Questions Sociales La Justice Sociale De Bonnes Choses Moteur Liberté Austerity Is The Best We have been ruled for years by archaic economic ideas, particularly the claim that a healthy dose of economic austerity is the best way to get the economy’s engines firing again. Politique Choixpeau Économie […]

United States: CQ releases basic income research compilation

Congressional Quarterly (CQ) has published a research paper on basic income (BI) that explains its universal popularity due to automation growth estimates worldwide. The CQ Researcher covers everything from Scott Santens’ crowdfunded self-financing mechanism to U.S. ex-President Obama’s belief that the debate may last 10 to 20 years.

The 21-page research paper, written by London freelancer Sara Glazer , includes an explanation of the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) – a basic income like payment to all residents – and revels in the prediction of automation worldwide. Predicted percentage of job losses are shown in charts for 8 countries, as […]

During Jaitley US trip, Universal Basic Income idea for India in IMF spotlight

During Jaitley US trip, Universal Basic Income idea for India in IMF spotlight

What do you get when you stir up a cocktail with 30 crore plus Jan Dhan accounts, Aadhaar linked bank accounts and the lingering carrot of Universal Basic Income? If it happens, an election year cracker.

As economists nitpick on the economy’s growth numbers – the new bling in Indian politics, the parallel undercurrent of direct income transfers as an idea whose time has come is undeniable. Stung by sharp criticism from within his own party, Finance Minister Jaitley who is currently in the US has been at pains to drum up the upside of the “speed” at which India’s […]