What is universal basic income? A beginner’s guide

What is universal basic income? A beginner’s guide

Universal basic income is one of the fastest growing economic ideas around. Here’s everything (well, some of what) you need to know.

Next to animojis , The Handmaid’s Tale , and millennial abbreviations like “suh” and “TD” that make us feel terrifyingly old and out of touch, universal basic income is likely one of those things you’ve heard people talk about at some point in 2017.

If you’re too busy/lazy to crack a textbook, however, have no fear: we’re ready to fill you in on the massive economic proposal that’s exciting everyone from certain high-ranking government government officials to Elon Musk […]

Towards Successfully Implementing a Basic Income Cryptocurrency

Towards Successfully Implementing a Basic Income Cryptocurrency

Implementing a universal basic income can potentially eliminate all or most poverty, and help to alleviate other social problems as well. Rates of suicides will likely decrease if a basic income is successfully implemented. Prevalence rates of some criminal behaviors will likely go down. Money cannot solve all problems, however, money can be utilized to ensure that basic needs are met. Basic income can potentially enable many more humans to have their physiological and some safety needs met. This will give more humans the chance to focus on meeting their other higher needs like social belonging and self-actualization.

The following […]

No job, no house: what’s wrong with Millennials?

No job, no house: what’s wrong with Millennials?

You can never be sure what will follow when a baby boomer begins to ask the (always rhetorical) question: “Do you know what the problem with your generation is?”

OK, Uncle John. I’ll bite. What is it this time? IPhones? Video games? Avo on toast?

Millennials (also known as Gen Y) have been broadly stereotyped as the “cripplingly lazy” and “irresponsible” generation. But are the crises of unemployment and housing really about Millennials or is the problem with the end of the millennium itself?A survey of Australian youth ( Deloitte 2017 Millennial Survey ) revealed that young people feel increasingly bleak […]

After the baby box, Scotland looks to Nordic nations for more ideas

After the baby box, Scotland looks to Nordic nations for more ideas

Scotland took inspiration for its baby box policy from Finland (Photo: Scottish Government) Scotland is strengthening its economic ties with Nordic and Baltic nations as it pursues a more active, outward-looking strategy following the Brexit vote.

Ministers have launched a new policy directive aimed at cementing the country’s links with eight nations including Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Estonia. “Scotland wants a continuing close relationship with the rest of Europe, particularly our northern neighbours” Alasdair Allan MSP Announcing the new strategy, the Scottish Government said it wanted to explore deeper economic, cultural and social links with the Nordic and Baltic […]

Basic Income

Basic Income

John Stossel (consumer reporter) joins Dave to discuss his political evolution from leftism to libertarianism, personal freedom, the… Antonio and Tempestt take you…
On page 239 of What Happened , Hillary Clinton reveals that she almost ran a very different campaign in 2016. Before announc…

This podcast is designed to teach people the basic steps it takes to build a passive income online. We have built multi 7 figu… Criminal protesters vandalize and attempt to take down peace monument, basic universal income does what?, the left says the AntiFa fasc…
Dylan Matthews joins Matt to discuss the three […]

Columnist Gwynne Dyer talks Trump at Burman University

Columnist Gwynne Dyer talks Trump at Burman University

DYER SPEAKS – National columnist and author Gwynne Dyer spoke at Burman University on Sept. 28th about how a universal basic income could help alleviate the global jobs crisis. Todd Colin Vaughan/Red Deer Express National columnist and author Gwynne Dyer spoke at Burman University Thursday evening on how a universal basic income could be key to solving the world-wide job crisis which has led to the rise of nativist-populism throughout the world.

The talk, entitled ‘The Trump Era: Surviving the Populist Wave’, focused on how Donald Trump was elected in the United States through making promises to the unemployed working […]

We Cannot Afford To Ignore Tax And Put It On The Back Burner

We Cannot Afford To Ignore Tax And Put It On The Back Burner

Many words have been spoken and much ink has been spilled in recent weeks and months over the UK’s post-Brexit tax system. New research from the King’s Fund shows 66% of people are willing to pay more taxes in order to maintain the level of spending needed. Others, meanwhile, favour a low tax, low regulation economy.

Whether it’s about more tax or less, there is a bubbling stream of commentary suggesting UK taxation needs to change. But it’s equally clear that tax polarises opinion, making tax reform all but impossible.

We can’t afford to put tax on the backburner and continue […]

BITCOIN DIARY: SA’s first crypto currency has launched. Say hello to UBX

BITCOIN DIARY: SA's first crypto currency has launched. Say hello to UBX

Lance Boyle has taken leave of his senses and Ray Hartley is in the director’s chair for today

It has begun. South Africa’s first foray into the cryptocurrency market is a go, green lighted, thumbs-ed up, on the launching pad, primed for lift off. A company called Ubu Core has hit the ground with an Initial Token Offering in something called UBX (desperate effort to explain follows later). This ITO appears to be a distant – and more kindly, please God – relative of the Initial Coin Offering.

Nice dodge there. ICOs, in case you haven’t noticed, have acquired a […]

Banning Uber is not the answer

The Social Market Foundation’s Scott Corfe says banning the likes of Uber would make households poorer.

Transport for London’s recent decision to deny Uber a renewed licence to operate in the capital has led to public outcry. Hundreds of thousands have signed a petition calling on the Mayor of London to rethink this decision, highlighting how at odds it seems to be with public sentiment.

In the eyes of many Londoners, particularly cash-strapped younger households, Uber has allowed them to access affordable and convenient taxis, in contrast to expensive black cabs. They are aghast at the prospect of this being taken […]

King: Martin Luther King ‘Hijacked’ by ‘the Left’

King: Martin Luther King ‘Hijacked’ by ‘the Left’

Rep. Steve King may not be quite as stupid as Louis Gohmert, but he’s considerably more obnoxious. He is literally a white supremacist in Congress, but one who thinks he can speak for Martin Luther King, who he bizarrely says has been “hijacked” by “the left.” He recalled a recent conversation with a fellow Republican member of Congress who King said had urged him to stop quoting from Martin Luther King Jr.’s “been to the mountaintop” speech because he “might be misinterpreted.” (We can only imagine what part of the speech King may have taken out of context to […]