Imagining a fan-owned team

Imagining a fan-owned team

Last week, I wrote an article getting mad at a mostly inconsequential but deeply frustrating decision made by the Los Angeles Angels . The lesson I took from that, and from past instances of mismanagement and money-grubbing by Arte Moreno, was that baseball owners are an unnecessary and damaging feature of modern baseball. The only qualification required to become an owner is being incredibly rich, and the experiences that such an ultra-wealthy person has in their life make them poorly qualified to run a baseball team with a focus on long-term success rather than short-term profit. Rick Scuteri-USA TODAY […]

Fundraising starts for education-based Basic Income

Fundraising starts for education-based Basic Income

… campaign in Los Angeles

The group Basic Income Los Angeles has started fundraising for an educational project , a campaign to spread the word about Basic Income. The purpose of this campaign is to convey the benefits of Basic Income to a wider Los Angeles audience. The audience targeted by the education-based campaign will be not only the general public but also educators, grassroots organizations, non-profit organizations, churches, local government leaders, policymakers and neighborhood councils. Neighborhood councils will be particularly important in this project, there are about 96 Neighborhood Councils in Los Angeles and they each represent an […]

Work and unemployment the future: unconditional basic income

Work and unemployment the future: unconditional basic income

The future is not only the mass proliferation of 3D printing, unmanned vehicles, and the ubiquitous presence of robots. The future is unemployment. By 2020, 5 million people will lose their jobs because of the development of artificial intelligence and robotics. This data from the report of the world economic forum.

The factory management in the Chinese city of Dongguan has replaced 90% of staff (650 people) on robots and automated systems. As shown by the first results , labour productivity increased significantly by 250%.

Even Sberbank plans to the end of the year to reduce 3 thousand jobs with […]

Taking a Long Look at Schools and Work

In his latest book, Thank You for Being Late , Thomas L. Friedman argues that technological change, globalization, and climate change are happening at an accelerating pace all across the world. Artificial intelligence and automation are the engines driving much of the transformation in the workplace. Some experts even predict that 47 percent of today’s jobs could be done by machines within a couple of decades.

What this means, Friedman writes, "is that in this age of acceleration, everyone is going to have to raise their game in the classroom and for their whole lifetime."

So what skills do students need […]

Rutger Bregman and his dream of a utopia of a country

Rutger Bregman and his dream of a utopia of a country

Photo: Maartje ter Horst
The historian and journalist Rutger Bregman

In 1973, the city of Dauphin, Manitoba, has become the laboratory of a social project unprecedented in Canada. Overnight, a universal basic income — it was $ 19,000 for a family of four — has been paid to the 13 000 inhabitants of the area, without consideration. The idea was to experiment in vivo this principle economic and social to give any money at all to get out of poverty those who need it the most.
For four years, the adventure has been successful at Dauphin, says the historian, Dutch Rutger […]

Is a universal basic income the answer to rampant automation?

Is a universal basic income the answer to rampant automation?

The notion of a universal basic income (UBI), paid by the state out of tax revenue to every citizen, is widely seen as a necessary measure to guard against structural unemployment caused by technological progress. Is it?

The notion that automation, artificial intelligence and robotics will put many, if not all, of us out of work, is gaining traction. The idea is neatly (but wrongly, in my opinion) summed up in a video by the wonderful CGP Grey, entitled Humans Need Not Apply . Grey argues that this time it really is different. A similar view is held by Jerry […]

Is a universal basic income the answer to rampant automation?

Opinionista Ivo Vegter

The notion of a universal basic income (UBI), paid by the state out of tax revenue to every citizen, is widely seen as a necessary measure to guard against structural unemployment caused by technological progress. Is it?

The notion that automation, artificial intelligence and robotics will put many, if not all, of us out of work, is gaining traction. The idea is neatly (but wrongly, in my opinion) summed up in a video by the wonderful CGP Grey, entitled Humans Need Not Apply . Grey argues that this time it really is different. A similar view is held […]

Four remaining candidates make their case at NDP Leadership Showcase

Four remaining candidates make their case at NDP Leadership Showcase

The four candidates in the running to lead the federal New Democratic Party took part in the Leadership Showcase on September 17 in an attempt to make their final arguments to voters. The event, which took place in Hamilton, gave each of the four candidates 22 minutes to give a speech to the NDP members in attendance, in hopes of securing enough votes to win.

Four candidates remain in the race: MPP Jagmeet Singh, MP Niki Ashton, MP Guy Caron, and MP Charlie Angus. Of the candidates, Singh has received the most recent attention in the media, mostly due to […]

UNITED STATES: Fundraising Starts for Education-Based Basic Income Campaign in Los Angeles

UNITED STATES: Fundraising Starts for Education-Based Basic Income Campaign in Los Angeles

The group Basic Income Los Angeles has started fundraising for an educational project , a campaign to spread the word about Basic Income. The purpose of this campaign is to convey the benefits of Basic Income to a wider Los Angeles audience. The audience targeted by the education-based campaign will be not only the general public but also educators, grassroots organizations, non-profit organizations, churches, local government leaders, policymakers and neighborhood councils. Neighborhood councils will be particularly important in this project, there are about 96 Neighborhood Councils in Los Angeles and they each represent an average population of 38,000 people.

The […]

Does Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT) serve your interest?

Today, we are going to evaluate Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) so as to get clarity on this organization and its current standing from a fundamental perspective. In that process, we hope to give some insight into what this stock may offer as an investment opportunity for prospective investors. To accomplish that, we will be moving from top to bottom in our evaluation. As such, our first point of focus will be a look at the company from a revenue perspective.

Over the course of the prior fiscal quarter, the company saw sales of 23.18B. That number needs context to grant us […]