Former Labour Leader Ed Miliband Calls For Political Education In Schools

Former Labour Leader Ed Miliband Calls For Political Education In Schools

Ed Miliband, the former leader of the Labour Party, called for political education to be taught in schools last night at a Conference fringe event.

The event, Votes at 16 – How To Stop Teenage Voter Suppression, was organised by Christians on the Left and the Electoral Reform Society .

Speakers included a host of different young people, as well the likes of Chukka Umunna MP.Miliband called on young people to put the pressure on decision-makers to deliver votes at 16 and not simply expect it to happen without their continued campaigning. He also suggested that the Conservative Party do […]

The Great Divide in liberalism: school holidays or basic income? @Radix_UK

Liberal blogger David Boyle and I are the same age. We have worked together on Liberal Democrat policy. But, according to David, we are on the opposite sides of a great divide across the heart of what he calls the “radical centre”. But I don’t think we are.

David is a much more successful blogger and general activist than me, and has got as far as founding a think tank – Radix . He is an old Liberal, where I was a founder member of the SDP in 1981. But I thought we were converging – and I had regarded […]

Why I think Universal Basic Income UBI is a great idea

Why I think Universal Basic Income UBI is a great idea



As long as we didn’t repeat the blunders of the last industrial revolution, there wouldn’t even be an inflation. The production from automation is relatively unpaid yet still generates revenue (more than we’ve seen before) and GDP. The money will be there without the need for quantitative easing. Watch Obama’s Face At 0:33. This Leaked Video Will Ruin Him link a reply to: dfnj2015 Politics is a waste of time.I don’t know about UBI, but I can imagine that in the not too distant future, UBI will probably be damn near a necessity what with job loss […]

Review chaired by Virgin Money boss Jayne-Anne Gadhia considers £8,100 ‘living wage’ for all Scottish students

Review chaired by Virgin Money boss Jayne-Anne Gadhia considers £8,100 ‘living wage’ for all Scottish students

Jayne-Anne Gadhia, chief executive officer of Virgin Money ALL university and college students would be guaranteed a Scottish Living Wage of £8,100 a year under radical plans to transform financial support in the sector

The proposal, which could cost more than £400 million, is being considered by a review group set up by the Scottish Government to look at improving student support.

Currently, university students can borrow up to £5,750 to help pay living costs, but support for college students is much lower.Published minutes from the review suggest a system where all students have access to a “living wage” or “minimum […]

Universal Basic Income

11 hours ago Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a social welfare program that provides all citizens with a regular stipend. The stipend can be spent in any way — drugs, diapers, deoderant, whatever. UBI experiments have been successful in many areas. In one impoverished village each resident was provided a significant (but not outlandish) amount of money and each individual used those funds to meet their needs. One person got a cell phone. Another person got some furniture for their house so that they could provide guests with a place to sit. Another person went to school. Compare the […]

Universal Basic Income: The Full Rundown

Universal Basic Income: The Full Rundown

If you’ve been being attentive to contemporary developments in synthetic intelligence (if now not, no worries, simply take a look at a few of my older paintings), you’d know that some highly intelligent other people posit that 40% of U.S. jobs can also be swallowed via automation within the subsequent 25 years. The depression fact is that this can be a walk in the park – those machines will come to do our paintings higher than we will be able to – so we will have to deal with a plenary focal point on protective the monetary and occupational […]

Universal income push a ‘backward step’ for future jobs

Universal income push a 'backward step' for future jobs

Jim Chalmers (Facebook) A universal basic income would be a "backward step" for Australian workers that could increase inequality and cost the budget billions says Labor MP Jim Chalmers, The Guardian reports.

His criticism of the concept puts him squarely alongside the shadow treasurer, Chris Bowen, who has been pushing back for months against internal and external calls to adopt the welfare policy.

Mr Chalmers has cemented his critique of universal basic income in a new book, co-written with the former chief executive of NBN Co Mike Quigley, on technological change, the labour force and inequality called Changing Jobs: The Fair […]

Picking the right economic path for Germany after election

Picking the right economic path for Germany after election

Clemens Fuest says that redistributive taxation and welfare transfers attract low-skill migrants and drive away investment and the high skilled Young supporters of the CDU celebrate after the parliament elections at the headquarters of the Christian Democratic Union CDU in Berlin. ANGELA Merkel is still chancellor of Germany, but things cannot continue as usual. Germany faces serious economic challenges, and the new government should address them appropriately.

The first challenge is digitalisation. Some are calling for a nationwide fiber-optic network, and many fear the “sharing economy”. They are worried about firms such as Uber and Airbnb.

But policymakers should resist the […]

At Momentum’s festival this weekend, I realised why Jeremy Corbyn is going to win the next election

At Momentum’s festival this weekend, I realised why Jeremy Corbyn is going to win the next election

Corbyn speaking at The World Transformed festival on Sunday night Walking past a queue that snaked its way around the venue in which Jeremy Corbyn was speaking at this year’s The World Transformed – the four day fringe festival organised by Momentum and a group of loosely affiliated activists, happening at the same time as the mainstream Labour conference in Brighton – I overheard a political journalist, sent from the main Labour conference floor to cover the leader’s speech say: “I just don’t get it. I mean, I like politics, but why would people queue up for two hours […]

With AI getting more powerful every day guaranteed income is a must and will be

With AI getting more powerful every day guaranteed income is a must and will be implemented soon. Imo good idea Liberty Infinite said: so who would take the money from the earners & give it to the unable? & doing so would cause genocide because the human heart would no longer desire to be, but who would do us this end. May I ask? If you say AI you are sadly mistaken & are clinging to genocide because you simply are a sell out yourself. I know the only escape from human genocide & it ain’t AI. It is […]