General Mills, Inc. (GIS): Interesting Series Of Developments Taking Place

General Mills, Inc. (GIS): Interesting Series Of Developments Taking Place

General Mills, Inc. (NYSE:GIS) seems to be forming a pattern of major movements, providing only some crumbs of outlook for market participants trying to figure out its next move. Now trading with a market value of 29.38B, the company has a mix of catalysts and obstacles that spring from the nature of its operations. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of this stock. But what do the numbers really say? We think it’s a great time to take a fresh look.

General Mills, Inc. (NYSE:GIS) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally a good idea to start with the most […]

Participant Says ‘Large Plan’ Failed to Negotiate Better Fees

A participant in the Novitex Enterprise Solutions Retirement Savings Plan has sued plan fiduciaries for allowing unreasonable expenses to be charged to plan participants.

The complaint calls the plan “a significant and large 401(k) plan in terms of assets, with more than $157 million in assets as of December 31, 2015 and more than 10,000 participants.” It argues that a plan of this size has “significant bargaining power and the ability to demand low-cost administrative and investment management services within the marketplace for administration of 401(k) plans and the investment of 401(k) assets.”

The lawsuit says the fiduciaries breached their duties […]

Ed Miliband Has Launched A New Weekly Podcast

Ed Miliband Has Launched A New Weekly Podcast

Daniel Leal-olivas / AFP / Getty Images Ed Miliband has launched a weekly podcast called "Reasons To Be Cheerful" in which he will discuss ideas about reforming the left-wing of politics, as well as talking to comedians, and sharing stories about his life.

The former Labour leader lost the 2015 general election after struggling to connect with the wider public but has since developed a more relaxed public persona – presenting programmes on BBC Radio 2, wading into Twitter fights , and testing Snapchat filters for BuzzFeed News .

Miliband will co-host the podcast with Geoff Lloyd, a former Absolute Radio […]

Who Needs Basic Income?

Who Needs Basic Income?

A universal basic income- an unconditional and guaranteed income for every adult citizen- is not a new idea. Philosopher Bertrand Russell argued almost a century ago that “a certain small income, sufficient for necessaries, should be secured to all, whether they work or not”1 , as did John Stuart Mill, Thomas Paine and Thomas More. However, it is an idea whose time has surely come: considering the interconnected and rising threats of automation, changes in the labour market, and unsustainable levels of inequality and consumption, a basic income offers a timely solution that is at once radical and uncomplicated. […]

This woman quit her law degree to become a porn star

This woman quit her law degree to become a porn star

​Like many mums and dads, Ella Hughes’ parents wanted her to become a lawyer.

But we all know your parents’ intentions might not match up to your own plans.

Hughes ran into the classic student problem whilst studying for her law degree: money.In an interview with the BBC , the 22-year-old spoke of a struggle for independence that seems universal in your early 20s.She said: I was working so hard – in lectures from 9am to 7pm every day – that I couldn’t find a way to earn money. I didn’t really need the money – I had a student […]

Money Makeover: Should this senior sell or reverse mortgage her home?

Money Makeover: Should this senior sell or reverse mortgage her home?

Should Laurie sell her downtown Toronto home or reverse mortgage the property? THE PERSON

Laurie is a single retired senior who lives in the heart of Toronto. In simple terms, she is house rich and cash poor, and has no workplace pension. Her income comes from tenants who rent the upstairs apartment in her home, and the usual government entitlements of Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement. She is currently taking courses at a local university toward a graduate degree.

THE PROBLEM Laurie has been using debt to maintain her current lifestyle. She has a […]

FRANCE: “Monthly Dossiers” debuts with issue on UBI

FRANCE: “Monthly Dossiers” debuts with issue on UBI

Cairn’s Monthly Dossiers is a free online publication designed to highlight the work of francophone scholars in the social sciences and humanities. Each month, the publication focuses on a topic of current social or political relevance.

Universal Basic Income (UBI) was the topic selected for the debut issue , released on June 15, 2017. As the introduction to the dossier notes, the issue came to prominence in France earlier in the year due the campaign of presidential candidate Benoît Hamon, who won the Socialist Party primary after making a UBI proposal a cornerstone of his campaign.

The dossier features the work […]

Germany’s economic road ahead

Germany’s economic road ahead

Angela Merkel is seen during election night event at the CDU’s party headquarters The next German government will face economic-policy challenges in five key areas: digitalisation and automation, demographic change, globalisation, climate change, and European integration.

With respect to digitalisation, Germany tends to fluctuate between excessive enthusiasm for expanding fiber-optic networks and fear of the impact of new, largely unregulated business models, such as those underpinning avatars of the “sharing economy” like Uber and Airbnb.

But German policymakers must not respond to such sentiments with knee-jerk reactions. Rolling out a nationwide fiber-optic network, rather than simply servicing the locales that are […]

Why I think Universal Basic Income UBI is a great idea

Why I think Universal Basic Income UBI is a great idea



It will never work. All it will do is eventually cause massive inflation. Once that inflation kicks in the UBI won’t be enough and then we will continue to hear the same tired arguments about wealth inequality.You’d also have to address the stupidity component where a not so insignificant segment of the population is just down right financially retarded. They will blow the money and then still expect government (i.e. taxpayers) to take care of them. How To Fix Your Fatigue (Do This Every Day) link With current factory automation I’m not sure we could ever really […]

Labor MP ridicules universal basic income push and says it would worsen inequality

Labor MP ridicules universal basic income push and says it would worsen inequality

The Labor MP Jim Chalmers has ridiculed the push to introduce a universal basic income in Australia, saying it would be a “backward step” for workers that could increase inequality and cost the budget billions.

His criticism of the concept puts him squarely alongside the shadow treasurer, Chris Bowen, who has been pushing back for months against internal and external calls to adopt the welfare policy .

Chalmers has cemented his critique of universal basic income in a new book, co-written with Mike Quigley, the former chief executive of NBN Co, on technological change, the labour force and inequality called Changing […]