Would everyone be better off with a basic income for all?

Would everyone be better off with a basic income for all?

Would everyone be better off with a basic income for all? 0 By VIEW editor Brian Pelan I keep heading back to the Ormeau Baths in Belfast.

I learnt to swim there as a child. I went back a few years ago to see an exhibition by the artist Brian Ballard,

I was there again last night to watch the documentary Free Lunch Society which examined the argument for a basic income for all citizens.The event was hosted by New Notions Cinema, which was set up by a media collective. On their website they describe themselves as screening films “for […]

GERMANY: Basic Income party Bündnis Grundeinkommen prepares for participation in upcoming election

GERMANY: Basic Income party Bündnis Grundeinkommen prepares for participation in upcoming election

Bündnis Grundeinkommen gathering at Brandenburg gate. Credit to: Enno Schmidt and Bündnis Grundeinkommen

The Bündnis Grundeinkommen, Germany’s political party campaigning on the single issue of introducing a basic income in the country, has held an open air event in preparation to participate in their first national election .

Hosted together with Kulturimpuls Grundeinkommen eV (a German broadcaster), the event took place on July 29th at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin . There was a celebratory tone to the day with music provided by Kiezkneipenorchester , Juri di Marco and Bertram Burkert , and entertainment in the form of slacklining, by world […]

Jordan Peterson’s remarks on UBI

Jordan Peterson, cultural critic, psychologist, and member of the Self Authoring online service, gave his remarks on Universal Basic Income. His concerns seem to be largely drawn from a similar issue critics have with the idea, primarily in the face of leisure time: will people become lazy and unmotivated? Can people handle a life with none of the traditional burdens we normally face with work as it is? Where will people map out meaning in their lives?

All of these are fair questions, and Peterson seems to be open to the idea. A concern Peterson addresses is the rise of […]

TOP, Greens wrangle for party vote

TOP, Greens wrangle for party vote

The Opportunities Party leader Gareth Morgan is adamant his party will make it to the Beehive, despite polling well below the five percent threshold needed to make it into Parliament. Gareth Morgan, James Shaw Mr Morgan made the comments after the Greens asked TOP supporters for their party vote, saying a vote for TOP would be a wasted vote.

Green Party leader James Shaw made the pitch to voters yesterday afternoon, arguing the election was too close for any vote to be lost.

"People who are considering voting for The Opportunities Party, they care about climate change, they care about closing […]

Silicon Valley investor to offer free money to 3,000 random people

Silicon Valley investor to offer free money to 3,000 random people

Think there’s no such thing as free money?

Think again.

Big-shot Silicon Valley investor Sam Altman — known for his doomsday prepping and other off-the-wall ideas — is planning to give 3,000 randomly selected people free money for five years, as an expansion of a social experiment he started last year.The idea is called universal basic income, and it basically means a government, rich individual or other source gives everyone in a community enough money to live comfortably — regardless of whether the recipients work or not. Altman has championed the idea as a possible solution for when robots take our […]

People in Two U.S. States Will Get $1,000 a Month in a New Basic Income Trial

People in Two U.S. States Will Get $1,000 a Month in a New Basic Income Trial

Tech startup fund Y Combinator has announced plans for a new basic income trial in the United States. The experiment could yield valuable new insights regarding universal basic income’s potential to address job loss due to automation. $1,000 for 1,000

Startup incubator Y Combinator is expanding their research into the benefits of universal basic income (UBI) .

In a new blog post published on the company’s website this week, they reveal their plans to pick 3,000 individuals from two states at random to receive a monthly cash handout. 1,000 participants will receive $1,000 per month for a period up to […]

Uyboco: Cryptocurrency Scams and How To Avoid Them

Uyboco: Cryptocurrency Scams and How To Avoid Them

THIS year alone, more people would probably have heard about cryptocurrency, bitcoin, or ethereum for the very first time. I personally have had more people asking me about it just these past few months than in all the previous years combined. Even our city is set to have its very own Cryptocurrency Expo on October 7.

Of course, this is all thanks to the meteoric rise of bitcoin’s value, only $900 at the beginning of the year, to almost $5000 last August, and has since dropped to around $4000 as of this writing. That means if you bought bitcoin last […]

Silicon Valley’s Y Combinator to give people up to $1,000 a month in latest basic income trial

Silicon Valley's Y Combinator to give people up to $1,000 a month in latest basic income trial

Y Combinator announced plans Wednesday to hand out more free cash.

The Silicon Valley technology startup-incubator known for its work with Airbnb and Reddit made headlines in 2016 for its first basic income trial. It gave a small group of Oakland residents handouts to test how the money would impact their behavior.

Now, Y Combinator is expanding its research and will select 3,000 individuals at random to participate in a study: 1,000 people will receive $1,000 a month for five years, and the remaining 2,000 will be part of a control group and receive $50 a month.The company’s team of […]

Universal basic income

You do not have to wait for higher taxes to pay more for programs that benefit others. You can freely spend your money on these types of programs without having it mandated by tax law that you do so. There is a difference in spending your own money to do this and voting for higher taxes to do this. When voting for higher taxes, you are not only saying that you want to spend more on these things but that you also want your neighbor to be REQUIRED to spend more on these things, also. And I do, but […]

One of the biggest VCs in Silicon Valley is launching an experiment that will give 3,000 people free money until 2022

One of the biggest VCs in Silicon Valley is launching an experiment that will give 3,000 people free money until 2022

Y Combinator President Sam Altman. Drew Angerer/Getty

Y Combinator, the largest and most prestigious startup accelerator in Silicon Valley, has announced new details of its upcoming experiment to give Americans free money.

YC will select 3,000 people across two states and divide them into two groups. The first group will include 1,000 people who will receive $1,000 a month for up to five years. The second group of 2,000 people — which the study will consider its control group — will receive $50 a month.The goal is to answer a simple, yet bedeviling question: What happens to people’s quality of […]