6 world-changing predictions from the Biden jobs panel

6 world-changing predictions from the Biden jobs panel

(Photo by Flickr user Brainstorm Health, used under a Creative Commons license) The times, they are a-changin’.

Former Vice President Joe Biden references his coming of age in the ’60s quite a bit, but this time, the times are now, and the changes are bigger than anything the Boomers imagined.

The job market is evolving toward tech dominance — something that rightfully strikes fear into blue-collar communities where advanced degrees are scarce. Manufacturing, transportation and even service jobs will all be automated before long. What’s a modern government to do?Some are pushing for a universal basic income — income paid by […]

Universal basic income: A subject worth studying

Universal basic income: A subject worth studying

We have a problem with our welfare system. Due to unemployment and underemployment, the poor of the U.S. must jump through endless hoops of complicated systems to get a patchwork of benefits that are temporary, means tested and covered in attached strings. In addition, automation is making an increasing number of jobs unnecessary.

This is not necessarily cause for alarm, as past technology changes have tended to create more jobs and not less. For now, we are working longer hours than our parents and grandparents, and seeing less reward for our labor. The solution to these issues may be far […]

Let’s not give up on a guaranteed basic income before we’ve tried

Let’s not give up on a guaranteed basic income before we’ve tried

Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have made universal basic income, a monthly check to ensure financial stability for all Americans, the political football of today. Clinton made headlines last week by declaring in her new book that her campaign looked seriously at the idea in 2015, and on Tuesday, Joe Biden gave a speech challenging the idea of a basic income on the grounds that it questions the inherent dignity of work.

This debate goes back decades, and some of our most respected leaders have supported the idea of an income floor for all. Martin Luther King, Jr. made the […]

Pensions – Articles – FCA Advising on Pensions Transfers consultation closes today

Commenting on the FCA’s ‘Advising on Pensions Transfers’ consultation, which closes today, Ryan Markham, head of member options at Hymans Robertson, said: “Yesterday the Work and Pensions Select Committee launched an inquiry into freedom and choice. One question it raised is whether people are taking appropriate advice, and if not, why not? For those considering a transfer out from DB, there is a need for better quality advice and more certainty around who is ultimately taking responsibility for it. “This consultation from the FCA, while a welcome step forward, is long overdue. Clarifying the expectations placed on advisers […]

Joe Biden Takes on the Left and the Universal Basic Income

Joe Biden Takes on the Left and the Universal Basic Income .

“The theory is that automation will result in so many lost jobs that the only plausible answer is some type of guaranteed government check with no strings attached,” Biden wrote in a post for the University of Delaware’s Biden Institute.

“While I appreciate concerns from Silicon Valley executives about what their innovations may do to American incomes, I believe they’re selling American workers short,” he continued. “Our children and grandchildren deserve the promise we’ve had: the skills to get ahead, the chance to earn a paycheck, and a steady […]

A third of UK business leaders support a universal basic income – as robots threaten millions of jobs

A third of UK business leaders support a universal basic income – as robots threaten millions of jobs

A third of Britain’s business leaders support the introduction of a universal basic income (UBI), according to one of the first surveys of industry opinions of the radical policy.

Researchers at the Royal Society of Arts , a leading advocate of UBI, said they were surprised to find that 31 per cent of 1,111 surveyed executives support the tax system.

Under UBI, which is backed by Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Richard Branson, citizens receive a cash allowance from government regardless of whether they are in work.Supporters hope that the system would provide a financial buffer to workers who lose their […]

Communists launch initiative to share natural resource revenue among Russian citizens

Communists launch initiative to share natural resource revenue among Russian citizens

This post was originally published on this site

Published time: 21 Sep, 2017 10:29

Russian Communist Party MPs have drafted a bill according to which part of the tax levied on the extraction of natural resources should be distributed between working citizens and pensioners, as with recent basic income experiments in other nations.The draft law published on the State Duma web-site states that in the first year after its approval 20 percent of all taxes that arrive from the extraction of natural resources would be distributed between Russian citizens. Subsequently, this share would increase by 2 percent year-on-year. The authors […]

This Silicon Valley giant will give some $1,000 and others $50 a month to trial basic income

This Silicon Valley giant will give some $1,000 and others $50 a month to trial basic income

Start-up accelerator Y Combinator plans to roll out its initial cash handout trial to thousands of people across two U.S. states. Photo by Bloomberg

Start-up accelerator Y Combinator plans to roll out its initial cash handout trial to thousands of people across two U.S. states.

Its President Sam Altman has been one of many top Silicon Valley bosses to get behind the idea of basic income – the idea that all citizens should be paid a regular sum of money regardless of their employment status.The incubator has already piloted a study of the effects of introducing a basic income. It gave […]

Let’s not give up on a guaranteed basic income before we’ve tried

Let’s not give up on a guaranteed basic income before we’ve tried

Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have made universal basic income, a monthly check to ensure financial stability for all Americans, the political football of today. Clinton made headlines last week by declaring in her new book that her campaign looked seriously at the idea in 2015, and on Tuesday, Joe Biden gave a speech challenging the idea of a basic income on the grounds that it questions the inherent dignity of work.

This debate goes back decades, and some of our most respected leaders have supported the idea of an income floor for all. Martin Luther King, Jr. made the […]

Mark Zuckerberg is definitely not running for president

Mark Zuckerberg is definitely not running for president

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is definitely not running for president – where would you get a crazy idea like that?

Can’t a man set out on a quest to better understand the American factory worker without ulterior motives? Can’t a man take a vacation to scenic Iowa without the media turning it into something it’s not? Can’t a man spend a year admiring the cattle ranches and fruited plains of our nation and try on the occasional hardhat without people making a whole bunch of assumptions?

Speculation over a possible Zuck presidential run picked up last year when Facebook’s board […]