Matt Wilder, “Debating Basic Income: Distributive Justice and the Normative-Technical Nexus”

Matt Wilder, “Debating Basic Income: Distributive Justice and the Normative-Technical Nexus”

Matt Wilder , doctoral candidate in Political Science at the University of Toronto, won first place in the 2016 Progressive Economics Forum (PEF) graduate student essay contest with his paper “ Debating Unconditional Basic Income ”.

A revised version of Wilder’s award-winning paper has recently been published in the Canadian Journal of Political Science . Abstract: Much of the literature on unconditional basic income considers reciprocity to be necessary for its success. From a normative standpoint, receiving without giving is unjust. From a technical standpoint, the absence of mechanisms that promote reciprocation invites free riding which threatens to erode the […]

Universal Basic Income: A selection of articles

Universal Basic Income: A selection of articles

Universal Basic Income . Photo credit: planeta Europe’s New Social Reality: the Case Against Universal Basic Income / D Sage , P Diamond – 2017

If one factor explains Benoît Hamon’s insurgent victory in France’s Socialist party presidential primary it is the attention and support he gained by enthusiastically placing the idea of a universal basic income (UBI) at the centre of his campaign. Indeed, as the centre left searches for a big idea that can capture the public imagination, UBI has rapidly become widely fashionable. Experiments in different form of a basic income are also either running or […]

Tech Millionaire on Basic Income: Ending Poverty “Moral Imperative” – “Everybody should be allowed to take a risk.”

Tech Millionaire on Basic Income: Ending Poverty “Moral Imperative” – “Everybody should be allowed to take a risk.”

I might just be dense, but how does this work without running itself dry? We can’t just give away resources without the collection of resources. If everyone gets a living wage, then there is no guarantee that the jobs people used to work will continue to work. Unless we reach full-scale automation, I know the heavily indebted chicken farmers would love to stop working, as would other underpaid or over stressed workers.

Not to mention, if this is government-paid money, the government is either borrowing, taxing, or running dry. Taking $1000 now only to pay more to the government later […]

Universal Basic Income can’t come soon enough

Universal Basic Income can’t come soon enough

Image: zizzybaloobah/flickr When former US Vice President Joe Biden recently slammed the idea of a ‘universal basic income’ (UBI), it must have sent heads shaking in every direction. Particularly among Democrats and people on the left side of politics who supported the Obama Administration, perhaps hoping a liberal in power would implement such an ambitious scheme.

It’s a controversial idea, which has received vocal support from all sides of the political spectrum, most notably the outspoken free market capitalist Milton Friedman, who referred to it as a ‘negative income tax’. Even former US President Richard Nixon flirted with the idea.

But […]

Joe Biden vs. the Post-Labor Left

Joe Biden vs. the Post-Labor Left

Image by © Glen Stubbe/ZUMA Press/Corbis Given his reputation for favoring even wildly impractical progressive policy objectives, few might have guessed that the first prominent liberal to stand athwart the Democratic Party’s reckless lurch to the left would be Joe Biden. With liberals fawning over progressives firebrands and amid the growing unanimity around the notion that there is no social and economic challenge that cannot be solved by throwing money at it, the former vice president has emerged as a vocal opponent of at least one idea popular among liberal reformers and libertarian technocrats alike: a universal basic income.

“The […]

It’s Happening: Pluralities Support Single-Payer, Universal Basic Income

Was it Madison who noted that once the voters realized they could vote themselves benefits from the public treasury, it was all over?

Socialism will be successful this time. The wrong people have always implemented it in the dozens of times it’s been tried before.

Thanks so much for your support to this point… I personally apprecaite it… FReepers, it’s far beyond time to wrap up this FReep-a-thon. Lets get the job done. Please chip in. President Donald J. Trump and the Free Republic of the United States of America President Donald J. Trump’s address to the United […]

A plurality of Americans now support universal basic income


In a new poll of 1,994 registered US voters done by Morning Consult for Politico conducted September 14-17 , one of the questions posed was " Do you support a proposal in which the government would provide all Americans a regular, unconditional sum of money, sometimes referred to as universal basic income ."

More people expressed their support than their opposition, with 43% for UBI and 39% against it meaning that there is now plurality support for basic income in the US. An earlier poll conducted by Ipsos in June […]

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income

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Sinners Gonna Sin
so basically I (and every scruffy toerag) get 4-5k "allowance" and pay an extra 25% in tax on earnings? Bill Cosby
so basically I (and every scruffy toerag) get 4-5k "allowance" and pay an extra 25% in tax on earnings? Aye, cause I’d be advocating that right enough. Groot Super Moderator so basically I (and every scruffy toerag) get 4-5k "allowance" and pay an extra 25% in tax on earnings? 5% TheMaganator4.0 Elite I was sold on this on the basis […]

Universal basic income

I can’t find the thread that brought UBI up, but as often happens with hive discussions, I ran into an interesting podcast right after reading the thread.

The Finnish Experiment.

It was interesting. Not pro or against.ETA: The robot argument was new to me. Edited by Sassenach, Today, 10:41 AM. Don’t have time to listen, but does the podcast mention that the 2000 random people selected for the trial was reduced even further than that? Seems very difficult to extrapolate any findings to the population at large when just a few people are gifted with the UBI–and, of course, it makes […]

New study debunks key argument against basic income

<p>If everyone going to a given Trader Joe’s suddenly has $1,000 more per month to spend, shouldn’t Trader Joe’s jack up prices in response?</p>

When tenants put their homes up on Airbnb illegally, homeowners rack up thousands in fines from cities and homeowner’s associations.
More… A dead woman’s bank account received a pension deposit for almost 20 years because city officials didn’t learn of her passing until June 2016. More… <p>One rule for corporate office employees, another for those who work in stores: unequal parental leave is splitting the company in two.</p> More… You don’t build reusable […]