United States: Philosophy class examines universal Basic Income whose time has come

United States: Philosophy class examines universal Basic Income whose time has come

A Stanford University class –available on a podcast replays the 1970s Manitoba, Canada, experiment called “mincome,” on the way to rejoicing in Universal Basic Income.

In the U.S., Silicon Valley entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, who according to some is preparing to run for U.S. President, are promoting universal basic income.

What does basic income mean, students ask? The contentious subject raises many questions, such as: would society fall apart because everyone would just hang out on the couch?The Stanford class seeks to separate the argument that robots will replace 47% of jobs , a prediction that fuels much of […]

Les Leyne: NDP replaces big money with your money

Les Leyne: NDP replaces big money with your money

The sanctity and popularity of the NDP campaign finance reform promises depended for years on maintaining that if big money were banished from politics, it wouldn’t just be replaced by taxpayer money.

That kept the crusade simple. They could stand for driving the big money from unions and corporations out of politics, without having to defend the less-appealing idea of making up the difference by funneling tax money to parties. So they did just that, insisting for years that banning big donations did not mean taxpayers would be leaned on to plug the parties’ revenue gaps. When opponents such as […]

Project Ubu launches token sale

Project Ubu launches token sale

South African start-up Project Ubu, which is working to combine the idea of a universal basic income (separate from government-led initiatives) with a blockchain-housed cryptocurrency, has announced the launch of an initial token sale of its UBX token to fund its planned roll-out.

Founded by Bridge Capital director Dudley Baylis, Project Ubu has attracted a number of heavy hitters to its management team, including former Vox Telecom CEO Douglas Reed, former Altech chief technology officer Steven Sidley and former advertising industry executive Justin McCarthy.

The Project Ubu taken sale has three distinct phases, the company said on Wednesday. An initial token […]

Education: UBI’s Best Defense

Education: UBI’s Best Defense

Education: UBI’s Best Defense

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s opposition to UBI is a blow to the movement. His lack of support is rooted in a lack of understanding regarding what UBI is and what it isn’t. The fact that an experienced and intelligent politician like Biden, who is still quite popular and influential, has such a strong misconception about UBI is a testament to how education is truly critical in helping our leaders understand the benefits that can be provided by UBI.

And of course, David Axelrod is not helping: I agree with @JoeBiden . UBI may have a […]

Biden at UD jobs panel: ‘Times are a-changing’

NEWARK — A changing economy will continue to place the American middle class at risk unless the United States can adapt and businesses begin placing more emphasis on workers’ rights, former Vice President Joe Biden said at the University of Delaware Tuesday.

Mr. Biden was part of a panel of business, labor and government officials weighing in on how jobs are changing. Presented as part of the Biden Institute formed this year to examine domestic issues, the talk was titled “Choosing a Future of Quality Jobs.”

“Times are a-changing, and you better get with it or you’re going to get run […]


17 th


IMPLEMENTING A BASIC INCOMEBIEN CONGRESSB IENC ON GR ESS38:30 – 12:309:00 – 9:309:30 – 10:1510:15 – 10:3010:30 – 12:30REGISTRATIONWELCOME WORDS AND INTRODUCTION TO THE PROGRAM Chair: Gonçalo Marcelo (Basic Income – Portugal / University of Coimbra / Católica Porto) Sara Bizarro (Basic Income-Portugal / Centre for Ethics, Politics & Society, University of Minho / USBIG) Representative of the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity, and Social Security Karl Widerquist (BIEN Vice-Chair, United States)Room: Auditorium “Sala do Senadoâ€KEYNOTE ADDRESS Chair: Roberto Merrill (Basic Income-Portugal / Centre for Ethics, Politics & Society, University of Minho) Guy Standing (UK), The […]

A radical way to spread wealth to more people is gaining traction among major US politicians

A radical way to spread wealth to more people is gaining traction among major US politicians

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik A radical form of wealth distribution has been gaining popularity over the past couple years.

It’s known as universal basic income, and it involves paying every citizen a standard amount of money just for being alive.

Advocates claim the system could help reduce poverty and stave off the threat of widespread unemployment due to job automation. Skeptics claim the idea would cause people to stop working, producing a lazy society that lacks community or drive.Basic income is still a niche idea, but a handful of politicians have weighed in. Here’s how the conversation is taking shape. Hillary Clinton […]

TruthOut Interview with Jurgen De Wispelaere

TruthOut Interview with Jurgen De Wispelaere

Jurgen De Wispelaere , a research fellow at the Institute for Policy Research, University of Bath was interviewed on August 7th by Truthout , a nonprofit web-based news and commentary site whose aim is to provide “a platform for transformative ideas, through in-depth investigative reporting and critical analysis.” In this interview, he makes several important points regarding some of the issues in the current debate and research on Basic Income.

Wispelaere’s key position is that Basic Income’s aim should be first and foremost about relieving poverty and social exclusion. Poverty is fundamentally a lack of money and Basic Income offers […]

Extremism and Basic Income: Part 2

Extremism and Basic Income: Part 2

In part 1 of this article , I defended the following argument:

> The globalization and automation of our economy has resulted in financial distress amongst (primarily) the poor and poorly educated.

This is not likely to stop — in fact, it’s almost certainly going to get worse. Therefore, we can expect to see continuing support for extremist political parties and candidates. In this second part, I’ll defend the idea that a Basic Income would be an effective solution to the problem of political extremism because it would reduce this financial distress. As Phillipe Van Parijs and Yannick Vanderborght […]

Biden hosts discussion on job opportunities, challenges

Biden hosts discussion on job opportunities, challenges


Americans are capable of finding ways to harness automation and technological advances to spur job growth and creation, not just worrying about robots replacing humans, former Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday.

During a discussion on job creation and the economy at the University of Delaware’s Biden Institute, a new policy and research center, the veteran politician said that although change can be unsettling, America is defined by possibilities."We’ve always been able to bend change to the greater good," Biden said as he led a discussion that touched on topics ranging from education and workforce training to gender disparity […]