Your arts degree could help you survive a robot takeover, according to Chinese technologist

Your arts degree could help you survive a robot takeover, according to Chinese technologist

Arts students rejoice!

An artificial intelligence expert reckons that artistic and human pursuits are less imitable because they are output driven. This makes them difficult or impossible to automate and constantly in demand.

Kai fu Lee is a mega-brain, boss dog investor and technologist. The former Google (it’s always Google!) executive made the suggestion that the difficulty in automating creativity will lead to a stable demand for creative products. Speaking to Quartz , Lee expects that 50 percent of careers will be replaced by computers and/or robots in the next ten years. Coupled with a universal basic income, this may […]

Roboticists Just Passed a ‘Final Barrier’ for Lifelike Robots

Roboticists Just Passed a 'Final Barrier' for Lifelike Robots

The humanoid “robots” that walk, talk, and screw around in shows like HBO’s Westworld are unsettlingly realistic, largely because of how they move . Their smooth, lifelike motions, coupled with the premise that they are machines, put them firmly in the uncanny valley . We’re used to spastic robots like the fictional R2-D2 or the real-life Pepper — cute, stuttering machines with endearingly clumsy moves are the robots we know and love.

But new synthetic muscle developed by researchers at Columbia University in New York looks to be the next step toward smooth-moving machines becoming part of our reality. In […]

Why Joe Biden Is Wrong About Universal Basic Income

Why Joe Biden Is Wrong About Universal Basic Income

Share Tweet Submit Pin Deserve’s got nothing to do with it. — William Munny, Unforgiven

What is Biden’s problem with Universal Basic Income?

What UBI means is that everyone in America shares the wealth: you get money, just by the value of being a citizen. You get enough money to live a decent life, just because you’re a person with dignity and worth.UBI is beloved by both left and right, for different reasons. What counts is the disease that it’s treating: automation and artificial intelligence will eventually take away all the manufacturing jobs. Soon the metal beasts will be cranking […]

Joe Biden Just Chose a Side in the Universal Basic Income Debate

Joe Biden Just Chose a Side in the Universal Basic Income Debate

Former Vice President Joe Biden has just taken a side in the Universal Basic Income debate — and with his take on preparing for the future, he’s betting against some of the biggest innovators in Silicon Valley. Biden Won’t Back UBI

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a economic safety net system in which everyone — regardless of their age, employment status, economic status, household size, or other factors — is guaranteed a minimum income. In other words, it’s guaranteed money that everyone gets just for being a part of society. This salary is intended to provide people with enough […]

A radical form of wealth distribution is gaining ground — here’s where 5 major US politicians stand

A radical form of wealth distribution is gaining ground — here's where 5 major US politicians stand

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik A radical form of wealth distribution that’s been gaining popularity over the past couple years.

It’s known as universal basic income, and it involves paying every citizen a standard amount of money just for being alive.

Advocates claim the system could help reduce poverty and stave off the threat of widespread unemployment due to job automation. Skeptics claim the idea would cause people to stop working, producing a lazy society that lacks community or drive.Basic income is still a niche idea, but a handful of politicians have weighed in. Here’s how the conversation is taking shape. Hillary Clinton […]

Fast Company Hails Universal Income As ‘Economic Stimulus,’ Omits $2.8T Price Tag

Business and technology magazine Fast Company may have pulled a fast one over any readers unwilling to whip out a calculator when thinking about the Universal Basic Income (UBI).

A universal basic income is when a government provides a certain amount of money unconditionally, to all individuals regardless of employment status or income level.

Fast Company recently promoted a left-wing analysis of the UBI if it were implemented in the U.S. One of the scenarios it focused on would cost $2.8 trillion annually, in either additional federal debt or higher taxation. To put that in perspective, the federal government collected […]

Germany: Interview with German Parliamentary Candidate Felix Coeln

Germany: Interview with German Parliamentary Candidate Felix Coeln

Coming up on September 24th, Germany will be holding national parliamentary elections. A new “single-issue-party” will be on the ballot in every state, the “Alliance for Basic Income” ( Bundnis Grundeinkommen ). If this party gets five percent of the vote or more, they will have five percent or more of votes in the Bundestag.

The party is building on a movement in Germany that has seen steady growth for years. This campaign is inspired by the initiative in Switzerland and the way that movement promoted discussion all over the world.

Germans vote for their district representative and they cast a […]

Joe Biden Slams Socialist Universal Basic Income Idea

Joe Biden Slams Socialist Universal Basic Income Idea

Former Vice President Joe Biden is taking on Silicon Valley and progressives pushing negative policies for workers. He just blasted universal basic income (UBI), a proposal gaining steam to help American workers who may be displaced by automation and artificial intelligence.

In an announcement that launches the Biden Institute at the University of Delaware –an initiative which some suggest lays the groundwork for a 2020 run– former Veep Biden blogged about why universal basic income is not the right solution to the predicted job losses as the economy is transformed by technological advances.

Biden said:I believe there is a better way […]

Biden rejects Silicon Valley calls for universal basic income, ‘no strings attached’ cash

Biden rejects Silicon Valley calls for universal basic income, ‘no strings attached’ cash

Former Vice President Joe Biden says tech titans like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Tesla CEO Elon Musk are fundamentally misunderstanding the importance of work by calling for a “universal basic income.”

A blog posted published by the University of Delaware’s Biden Institute on Monday unveiled a “worker first” initiative that rejects “no strings attached” policies prompted by influential billionaires while also fueling speculation about a possible 2020 U.S. presidential run by the former vice president.

“Economic transformations due to rapid advances in technology have created not only significant anxiety but also a legitimate debate about whether there will be sufficient jobs […]

Topic: Hillary and a “basic income”…socialism at it’s worst

Topic: Hillary and a


Joined Sun 07/24/16
Posts: 5738
Mon 09/18/17 07:39 PMwelfare comes from the state and the federal taxes, but that still doesn’t answer my questions regarding where the numbers given are from or what he defines as ‘living off’ of (as opposed to merely receiving)for example, I ‘receive’ roughly 500 a year from my ex, Id hardly say I can or do ‘live off’ of it though.Well let’s start with health care with no deductible,that is worth about $600 a month. Then lets look at section 8 housing, that’s probably about $800 a month. EBT or food […]