The Neoliberal Danger of Basic Income

The Neoliberal Danger of Basic Income

Statement for endorsement: We have drawn up the following statement on basic income (BI). It makes the case that, progressive hopes to the contrary notwithstanding, BI is being developed as a measure of neoliberal attack that should be opposed. We invite progressive organizations and individuals who hold positions in agencies and academic institutions, who agree with our arguments, to sign onto the statement. We hope that it will raise a voice of opposition and help develop information sharing and forms of co-operation among those, internationally, who reject the notion that basic income represents any kind realistic response to the […]

Owen’s Story:

For the past decade, Owen Poindexter has been fighting to elect Democrats, create a fairer campaign finance system, end the racist War on Drugs and provide everyone with a universal basic income. After helping President Obama edge out a razor thin victory in North Carolina in 2008, he moved to Berkeley where he worked as a writer and researcher at MapLight, a nonprofit focused on the undue influence of rich people and corporations on our political system. After getting an advanced degree in writing at Oakland’s Mills College, he worked as a journalist and blogger, exposing the destructive drug […]

Biden rejects Silicon Valley calls for universal basic income, ‘no strings attached’ cash

Biden rejects Silicon Valley calls for universal basic income, ‘no strings attached’ cash

Former Vice President Joe Biden says tech titans like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Tesla CEO Elon Musk are fundamentally misunderstanding the importance of work by calling for a “universal basic income.”

A blog posted published by the University of Delaware’s Biden Institute on Monday unveiled a “worker first” initiative that rejects “no strings attached” policies prompted by influential billionaires while also fueling speculation about a possible 2020 U.S. presidential run by the former vice president.

“Economic transformations due to rapid advances in technology have created not only significant anxiety but also a legitimate debate about whether there will be sufficient jobs […]

Guaranteed Basic Income

Guaranteed Basic Income

Minimum wage, basic income, etc…there is no benefit so long as the market is free to adjust prices to compensate. Essentially it does nothing good or bad.

If a price ceiling is implemented, it causes problems that aren’t worth the benefit.

Politicians know all this, which is why minimum wage and basic income are discussed seriously, but nobody will fuck with prices. This statement is fucked. Especially since entrepreneurship is more accessible with the internet. People with capital are going to create what is needed and since UBI will spread out capital, you’re going to have a more competitive […]

Joe Biden: Universal Basic Income Sells American Workers Short

Joe Biden: Universal Basic Income Sells American Workers Short

Former Vice President Joe Biden took a swipe Monday at an increasingly trendy but controversial idea that calls for the government to provide citizens with a base level of income. The concept, called universal basic income , has a long history but is resurfacing lately as technology threatens to outmode workers in an ever-diversifying range of jobs.

"The theory is that automation will result in so many lost jobs that the only plausible answer is some type of guaranteed government check with no strings attached," Biden wrote in a blog post . "I believe there is a better way forward. […]

Charles Murray: Give Every Citizen $10,000 A Year In Disposable Income

From Sunday’s broadcast of The Revolution with host Steve Hilton on FOX News: STEVE HILTON, FOX NEWS: This idea of universal basic income is something that is associated with the left. More recently we’ve had the liberal elite in Silicon Valley pushing the idea. But generally, it’s seen as an idea that comes from the left. But you’re obviously not from the left, far from it. Just make a case for this from this from a conservative point of view.

CHARLES MURRAY: Well the simplest case from the conservative point of view is the current system is […]

Biden rejects universal basic income idea popular in Silicon Valley

Biden rejects universal basic income idea popular in Silicon Valley

© Getty Images Former Vice President Joe Biden is criticizing the universal basic income idea that is gaining traction in Silicon Valley, and is arguing instead that the U.S. needs to "build a future that puts work first."

"Our children and grandchildren deserve the promise we’ve had: the skills to get ahead, the chance to earn a paycheck, and a steady job that rewards hard work," Biden wrote in a blog post for the Biden Institute at the University of Delaware.

Some prominent voices in the technology industry, such as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Salesforce CEO Mark Benioff, have recently […]

Universal Basic Income – Top 3 Pros and Cons

Universal Basic Income - Top 3 Pros and Cons

Alaska residents filing applications for their Permanent Fund payments in Anchorage, Alaska, last year.
Source: Rashah McChesney, "Alaskans Weigh in on This Year’s Smaller Dividend Check,", Sep. 23, 2016 A universal basic income (UBI) is an unconditional cash payment given at regular intervals by the government to all residents, regardless of their earnings or employment status. Pilot UBI programs have taken place or are ongoing in the United States, Brazil, Canada, Finland, and other parts of the world. In 2017, Hawaii passed legislation creating a working group to study UBI. In that same year, 77% of Swiss […]

Parties at odds over tax change preferences

Parties at odds over tax change preferences

The stability of the government support deal between Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil may be at risk with both parties differing on tax change preferences for next month’s budget. Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin at the party’s annual think-in at the Longford Arms Hotel. Picture: Conor McCabe Photography Fine Gael ministers are keen to widen the bands at which basic income tax is charged, but Fianna Fáil believes more workers will benefit with a straight cut of the Universal Social Charge rates.

Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin laid down a marker at his party’s pre-Dáil meeting in Longford where he […]

Low levels of welfare makes UBI expensive to implement in Singapore

Low levels of welfare makes UBI expensive to implement in Singapore

Photo of FOSG forum by Tay Kheng Soon At the Future of Singapore (FOSG) forum on the economic and social causes of poverty, a Finnish exchange student asked Yeoh Lam Keong, former GIC chief economist about his opinion regarding the Universal Basic Income (UBI) which is undergoing an experiment in Finland . Lam Keong said that the UBI is very expensive to fund and that he preferred basic income for the lower rungs of income earners. I did not have a chance to debate with him as the forum was closed after his remarks.

In the debate over the UBI, […]