Oil States International, Inc. (OIS): More In-Depth Monitoring is Needed

Oil States International, Inc. (OIS): More In-Depth Monitoring is Needed

Oil States International, Inc. (NYSE:OIS) seems to be forming a pattern of major movements, providing only some crumbs of outlook for market participants trying to figure out its next move. Now trading with a market value of 1.21B, the company has a mix of catalysts and obstacles that spring from the nature of its operations. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of this stock. But what do the numbers really say? We think it’s a great time to take a fresh look.

Oil States International, Inc. (NYSE:OIS) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally a good idea to start with […]

The Transformative Policy Proposals Hillary Clinton Wishes She Made

The Transformative Policy Proposals Hillary Clinton Wishes She Made

In her new memoir, the defeated Democrat regrets that she didn’t go bolder during the campaign, with ideas for a universal basic income, a nationwide dividend program for fossil fuels, and a tax on net worth instead of income. Craig Ruttle / AP A cash payment to guarantee a basic income for every American. A nationwide “carbon-dividend program” to tax fossil fuels and redirect the revenue to citizens. Taxing an individual’s net worth instead of their annual income as a way to reduce income inequality.

Hillary Clinton considered proposing each of these transformative ideas during her ill-fated presidential campaign last […]

Hillary Clinton Pursued A Universal Basic Income Plan For Her Campaign

Hillary Clinton Pursued A Universal Basic Income Plan For Her Campaign

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton arrives to speak during her California primary night rally held in the Brooklyn borough of New York, U.S., June 7, 2016. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was “fascinated” by the prospect of instituting a universal income and worked for weeks to introduce a basic income plan to her presidential campaign platform, according to excerpts from her book.

Clinton credited the idea to a book titled “With Liberty and Dividends for All,” from author Peter Barnes. The book calls for a pooled fund gathered from “shared national resources” to be distributed to every American. […]

Here Are All the Books Hillary Clinton Name-Drops in Her New Memoir

Here Are All the Books Hillary Clinton Name-Drops in Her New Memoir

Hillary Clinton doesn’t just want you to read her campaign memoir. It turns out she thinks you should read a few more books.

In "What Happened," the former Secretary of State reflects on her failed presidential campaign, reflecting on her concerns about the direction President Trump is taking the country and how she handled her loss.

Clinton peppers the book with references to books that she thinks help explain Trump’s rise and how America should respond to it as well as poems, novels and essays that inspired her and helped her cope with her loss.Here’s a look at the books she […]

Hawaii Wants to Give All Residents a Basic Income

Hawaii Wants to Give All Residents a Basic Income

Following in the footsteps of some European trials, Hawaii’s state congress has voted to look into the idea of offering Universal Basic Income (UBI) to all of its residents. Hawaii is the first U.S. state to pass such legislation in support of UBI.

Universal Basic Income, or UBI, is a simple concept. Every citizen receives a set amount of money to live on each month regardless of their income and whether or not they work.

Related: Period Poverty: A Very Real Experience for Many U.S. Women Proponents of the idea believe that the unconditional funds would help to alleviate […]

View Poll Results: Would/do you support a Universal Basic Income for all U.S. citizens?

Automation DOES take away jobs.

It is predicted that ANY repetitive job with programmable choice trees can be automated.
This includes "thinking jobs. Like accountants. And soon truck drivers. We’re just starting to see the effects. And as AI gets more sophisticated the machines will be coming for more and more jobs. And the same people who gave our jobs to desperate people overseas will give them to machines the moment it becomes profitable. Profits come before everything in the world we are creating. Trade agreements will be the least of […]

Summit Daily letters: Guaranteed income not a bold idea

Guaranteed income not a bold idea

Your Sept. 6 syndicated article "Fear of robots taking jobs spurs a bold idea: guaranteed income" compelled a response. This "bold idea" entails yet another tax on Hawaii’s already heavily taxed tourist industry to fund another government entitlement. Bold? Sounds suspiciously familiar; yet with inevitable catastrophic consequences. Given a guaranteed level of income to sustain a basic standard of living in "paradise," how many would simply opt out of working? How many workers in the tourist industry — the very lifeblood of guaranteed income — would it take to opt out of working before […]

Half of UK Would Say Yes to Universal Basic Income Regardless of Employment

Half of UK Would Say Yes to Universal Basic Income Regardless of Employment

Half of UK Would Say Yes to Universal Basic Income Regardless of EmploymentCC0 / PixabaySociety23:32 11.09.2017(updated 00:57 12.09.2017) Get short URL119340

According to a new survey by the Institute for Policy Research at the University of Bath, nearly half of the 1,111 British subjects polled support Universal Basic Income (UBI) regardless of employment status.

That means that 49 percent of British people believe that the residents of the UK should all receive a regular sum of money from the government or a public institution.However, even though the majority of people surveyed seem to feel positively about UBI, support drastically dropped to […]

/pol/ – Politically Incorrect

>Kill jobs with bad trade deals like NAFTA, TPP, etc
>Over abundance of regulations and fees
>H1B visa abuse
>Loss of jobs to automation >Outsourcing, etc >Paris Climate Accord (so on top of funneling the 2nd and 3rd world into the 1st world – we want to simultaneously transfer the 1st worlds wealth to the 2nd and 3rd world)THEN these same people shill for open borders which saturates the labor market because now more people flood the country and are competing for less jobsTHEN these same people have the audacity to cry about CEO wages rising while ours […]

Petty point-scoring reveals lack of vision

Petty point-scoring reveals lack of vision

Press Release: Democrats for Social Credit

Petty point-scoring reveals lack of vision

The continuing failure of the parties in parliament to see beyond their self-serving agendas raises questions. Are they unaware of possible solutions to New Zealand’s problems? Or are they aware but simply can’t raise themselves above the usual tit-for-tat election campaign debates? NZ Democrats for Social Credit Party health spokesman, David Tranter, notes that on a recent The Nation programme National and Labour social development spokesmen were supposedly discussing "the best ways to provide for those in need". But by largely confining themselves to petty […]