Federal NDP leadership candidates talk student issues at UBC

Federal NDP leadership candidates talk student issues at UBC

Charlie Angus answers questions from students. Jack Hauen Three of the four New Democratic Party (NDP) leadership candidates came by UBC Friday afternoon for a chance to speak directly to students about their platforms, followed by an informal meet and greet session with attendees. Jagmeet Singh was unable to attend.

The event, put on by UBC’s New Democrats, was attended by a few dozen people.

The Ubyssey spoke to Niki Ashton, Charlie Angus and Guy Caron about their plans for students and young people in the upcoming election. Niki Ashton Jack Hauen Niki Ashton , calling in via Skype, used […]

Letter to the Editor: Robots taking jobs; Reader sounds off

Letter to the Editor: Robots taking jobs; Reader sounds off

Dear Editor,

The AP syndicated article “Fear of robots taking jobs spurs a bold idea: guaranteed income” compelled a response. This “bold idea” entails yet another tax on Hawaii’s already heavily taxed tourist industry to fund another government entitlement. Bold? Sounds suspiciously familiar; yet with inevitable catastrophic consequences. Given a guaranteed level of income to sustain a basic standard of living in “paradise,” how many would simply opt out of working? How many workers in the tourist industry – the very lifeblood of guaranteed income – would it take to opt out of working before that industry collapses making guaranteed […]

Artificial intelligence, unemployment and universal basic income: another panacea of the owner class – humanaesfera

Artificial intelligence, unemployment and universal basic income: another panacea of the owner class - humanaesfera

How can AI concretely change capitalist society? And how can universal basic income be implemented in practice? The owner class – or at least their high-tech chiefdoms 1 – looks worried about the outflow of their commodities if the prediction that AI (artificial intelligence) will make humankind definitely unemployed is accomplished. 2 After all, they are so little "imaginative" that it is not in their prediction that machines with AI may be intelligent enough for the capitalists to deprive them (as they did to us for centuries) of their material conditions of existence – subjecting them to deprivation of […]

Philippe Van Parijs and Yannick Vanderborght, “Basic income and the freedom to lead a good life”

Philippe Van Parijs and Yannick Vanderborght, “Basic income and the freedom to lead a good life”

Philippe Van Parijs and Yannick Vanderborght, authors of the new book Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy (Harvard University Press), have contributed a chapter to the book The Good Life Beyond Growth: New Perspectives , a collection of essays published as part of Routledge’s series Studies in Ecological Economics.

Their contribution, titled “Basic income and the freedom to lead a good life,” is based on the first chapter of Basic Income , in which the authors detail the distinguishing characteristics of a basic income (e.g. universality, lack of means test, lack of work […]

Fundamentals in Focus for Synthetic Biologics, Inc. (SYN)

Fundamentals in Focus for Synthetic Biologics, Inc. (SYN)

Synthetic Biologics, Inc. (NYSE:SYN) has recently been identified as an interesting stock but more in-depth monitoring is needed for a trade decision. Now trading with a market value of 89.10M, the company has a mix of catalysts and obstacles that spring from the nature of its operations. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of this stock. But what do the numbers really say? We think it’s a great time to take a fresh look.

Synthetic Biologics, Inc. (NYSE:SYN) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally a good idea to start with the most fundamental piece of the picture: the balance […]

Another Silicon Valley Exec Joins the Ranks of Universal Basic Income Supporters

Another Silicon Valley Exec Joins the Ranks of Universal Basic Income Supporters


The President of Y Combinator, Sam Altman, has come out in favor of universal basic income. He joins a growing list of Silicon Valley titans who support using cash handouts to end poverty. ELIMINATING POVERTY

There’s a swelling interest in Silicon Valley to explore and implement Universal Basic Income (UBI) policies, which give every citizen a guaranteed “salary” without stipulation. The goal of UBI is to bring everyone out of poverty and allow for a more even playing field of opportunity. Individuals and families who do not have to struggle to make enough money to cover their […]

Financial Times: “Why Facebook should pay us a Basic Income” by John Thornhill

Financial Times: “Why Facebook should pay us a Basic Income” by John Thornhill

On August 7th, veteran writer and Innovation Editor at the Financial Times, John Thornhill , wrote an article entitled “Why Facebook should pay us a Basic Income”. In the article, Thornhill argues that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg should put his money where his mouth is and dole out a Basic Income to its users. In July, Zuckerberg visited Alaska and raved about its Permanent Fund. As Zuckerberg explains, in Alaska “every year, a portion of the oil revenue the state makes is put into a fund. Rather than having the government spend that money, it is returned to Alaskan residents […]

Annuity market faces extinction: More and more people are instead taking advantage of pension freedoms

Annuity market faces extinction: More and more people are instead taking advantage of pension freedoms

Annuity sales have fallen by 16 per cent in the last six months, the Financial Conduct Authority said (Source: Getty) Britain’s annuity market is facing extinction, experts have warned, as official figures released today revealed a huge drop off in sales.

Two and a half years since chancellor George Osborne released the pension shackles , the number of people accessing lump sum continues to rise, according to six-month data published by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The number of pension pots accessed for the first time rose by nine per cent and new drawdown arrangements increased by four per cent.Meanwhile, annuity […]

View Poll Results: Would/do you support a Universal Basic Income for all U.S. citizens?

Because most people will probably rely on it for a substantial if not majority part of their income (they’ll have little choice, since wages will almost certainly sink through the floor).

Money gives no freedom when your money isn’t actually yours — it’s just on loan in an endless fake economic cycle until a politician wants to put the screws to your dinner table to get his way.
Your future unemployment projections are less important than the very low unemployment projections of today. Assuming your right that we have an unusually big unemployment number in […]

Thread: Thoughts on UBI? (Universal Basic Income)

Thread: Thoughts on UBI? (Universal Basic Income)

start=”1″> Thoughts on UBI? (Universal Basic Income)

Our Be-mag/msgboard resident chief of economics C. Hustles has indicated in another thread he would be in favor of UBI (suprise suprise), as noted in the following qoute;

So be-mag given the above qoute, what’s your stance on UBI? Personally I think if you’re in favor of any sort of UBI, then you’re a communist traitor and need to be shipped to North Korea to live in the world’s best commune.HËLLA HËLLA It’s going […]