The Top Three Arguments against a Universal Basic Income

The Top Three Arguments against a Universal Basic Income

Unfortunately, a welfare state by any other name is still a welfare state.

Every so often a new study is released, concluding that a universal basic income (UBI) is needed to fix this country’s welfare system. Most recently, the Roosevelt Institute claimed that switching to a UBI system could actually grow the economy by $2.5 trillion by the year 2025.

A welfare state by any other name is still a welfare state.The study is full of hypothetical situations in which Americans receive a UBI of varying amounts. The research concludes that the higher the UBI, the more prosperous the economy. But […]

Podcast: Scholars research UBI to address ecological, economic crises

Podcast: Scholars research UBI to address ecological, economic crises

The greatest challenge of this generation is managing both environmental sustainability and a growing human population. Climate change and income inequality are making this an increasingly difficult prospect.

The Sufficiency4Sustainability Network (S4SN) is working on analyzing the intersection of these issues and the solutions that can address them.

S4SN is led by Peter Knight, a former lead economist at the World Bank. The network of researchers analyzes different policies and how they may interact with ecological and economic trends. Knight recently joined the UBI Podcast to discuss his work with S4SN.“We’re exploring how changing values and policies might result in lower […]

BA shuts final salary pension scheme to fill £3.7bn black hole hitting 17,000 workers

BA shuts final salary pension scheme to fill £3.7bn black hole hitting 17,000 workers

British Airways is set to shut its lucrative final salary pension scheme as it battles a £3.7billion black hole.

The move will hit 17,000 workers who save for their retirement in the airline’s New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS).

Instead, it will move members to its defined contribution scheme.But the move risks a battle with unions which will be concerned that stock market-linked pension schemes are less lucrative than final salary schemes. Strike risk: British Airways is set to shut its lucrative final salary pension scheme hitting 17,000 workers BA has been fighting a growing deficit in its pension scheme as it […]

Shona Craven: Mhairi Black is right – a basic minimum income is a non-starter

Shona Craven: Mhairi Black is right – a basic minimum income is a non-starter

There’s been much discussion about citizens’ basic income, but just how feasible is it? "REAL global leadership”. “A significant opportunity for Scotland ”. Innovation. National pride. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement about the potential of a citizens’ basic income, especially when hearing it discussed this week by Nicola Sturgeon and Jamie Cooke, the director of the think-tank RSA Scotland. It’s an idea that’s being discussed all over the country – including at meetings of many Yes groups and SNP branches – and far beyond these shores.

What initially sounds to most people like a pie-in-the-sky leftie […]

View Poll Results: Would/do you support a Universal Basic Income for all U.S. citizens?

> This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today’s politics , many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the FAQ and RULES . Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate […]

Retired businessman says basic income frees people up for opportunities

Retired businessman says basic income frees people up for opportunities

There is a great community need to address poverty in the Lindsay area, according to retired local businessman Doug Dent, and that’s why he is welcoming the Province’s basic income pilot this fall.

Dent, formerly of Dent Industrial Sales, says basic income “frees people up to live their lives” and pursue other opportunities, from more education to better work.

“It gets them off that bottom rung,” he tells The Lindsay Advocate . “Some people need more help than others and we should be prepared to do that as a society.”Dent is certain that a small minority of people will take advantage […]

‘Something big has to change’: could Australia afford a universal basic income?

'Something big has to change': could Australia afford a universal basic income?

It seems everyone from Richard Branson to researchers at the Green Institute has an opinion on universal basic income (UBI), the idea that all citizens should be paid an unconditional monthly allowance. The benefits of putting a floor beneath earnings so that no one falls into poverty are obvious – but the inevitable question is, can we afford it?

At a recent two-day workshop at Melbourne University, academics, union representatives and individuals from the private and welfare sectors were presented with modelling that suggests we can.

Although at first blush, UBI sounds like some idealistic, leftwing idea, the reality is it […]

‘Something big has to change’: could Australia afford a universal basic income?

‘Something big has to change’: could Australia afford a universal basic income?

Those aged between 20 and 24 are overrepresented in terms of insecure work and low pay, and often experience financial insecurity. It seems everyone from Richard Branson to researchers at the Green Institute has an opinion on universal basic income (UBI), the idea that all citizens should be paid an unconditional monthly allowance. The benefits of putting a floor beneath earnings so that no one falls into poverty are obvious – but the inevitable question is, can we afford it?

At a recent two-day workshop at Melbourne University, academics, union representatives and individuals from the private and welfare sectors were […]

Friday free form

Friday free form

Universal Answer: At TDN we have one universal answer for most questions – work harder.

If we have a great month in news reporting and ad selling, then we should work harder to make next month even better.

If we have a poor performance in any aspect of the business, we look to work harder to improve.If “work harder” is the answer to good, bad or mediocre performance, you will tend to get better.But a new universal answer seems to be gaining traction in places like Hawaii and San Francisco – it’s called “universal basic income.”It seems Hawaii has decided to […]

Fewer consumers using advisers before full pension withdrawal

Fewer consumers using advisers before full pension withdrawal

The proportion of consumers using advisers before making a full withdrawal from their pension has fallen, latest FCA data shows.

While more than two thirds of consumers continue to use advisers for drawdown, the data shows a fall in adviser use among consumers making full withdrawals from their pension from 44 per cent between April and September 2016 to 38 per cent between October 2016 and April 2017.

69 per cent of customers going into drawdown used an adviser, the same proportion as the previous two six-month reporting periods.The data bulletin says: “The percentage of drawdown accessed by existing customers of […]